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Posts posted by louie6000

  1. Wow you forum guys are particular.

    in 1980, 81 and 82. You could be on staff.

    in 1982 The same people, the same organization existed as a Explorer post and is now a venture Crew. Would you have lit me up If I said my son was joining an explorer post? Can't win for losing on this forum.

    My son is 10.

    As for the month I needed, that is about the amount of time I needed to get eagle. I would not have streched it out till age 18.


    Also to your statement "The numbers don't add up. I'm sure there is an explaination but I don't know what it could be."

    Remember, a scout is trustworthy. Give a guy the benefit of the doubt that an explantion like the above "does" exist.

  2. Re: Bob Whites question.

    My son's pack had an interested mom as Tiger leader, but I have been and am now his den leader since Bobcat, wolf etc. I plan to help in whatever troop he joins and if he joins the same Venture crew I was in, I'll help there too. We participate in most things as a family (Church, Music etc.). "Once a volunteer, always a volunteer."

  3. I quit at Life also.

    To this day I believe that my Scoutmaster was jealous of me. I can recall the day I quit my troop with amazing clarity. It was time to load the bus for summer camp and he approached me and my Dad and said I couldn't go since I had missed two campouts. This was a ad-hoc variation on the rules that you could not go to camp if you missed more than one campout and the one had to be excused. He was unbudging that I had missed two campouts(even though I reminded him of interactions and events on one he says I missed). Other kids were going that had missed multiple campouts and he flexed the rule. (He's an attorney by the way) Long story-shortened. he simply did not want me at "his" summer camp. The problem? I was the only "crossover" scout/venturer affilliated with his troop and the venture crew that met at the same building. The troop and venture crew were always at odds even though they were independently chartered by the same board. It was a few years later that they split the venture crew out of the building with much acrimony between the adults involved. I simply rubbed the SM/lawyer the wrong way since I was a very successful scout and venturer (my only two extra-cirrucular activities at the time). I grew up a lot that day. I never realised that adults and their pettiness in the real world could be that obtuse and unfair in the face of overwheming evidence of being mistaken. My scheduled tent mate cried in the man's face that he was dead wrong. I needed to go to camp for some eagle requirements. Instead, in one phone call to the Camp Director, I retrieved my position as Camp Quatermaster and Merit badge counselor. I was refunded my camp fee and allowed to join the staff then and there. My dad drove me to camp and I settled in to work on my third summer staff. I did not get time to do the Eagle merit badges I needed. I quit after returning home that summer. Regrets? yes. Satisified that I kept my character in spite of inflammatory situation? Yes again. Will my son who finishes Webelos this year be allowed to think of joining the troop where this man is still SM? EMPHATIC NO!! this man has no business shaping men for leadership roles. I have seen the dark side of his character. As an adult in the same town I have heard others slight his character in the legal world. I never join these discussions as I think my recolections of my perceptions as a 15 year old might not be 100% accurate. Yet, nobody I have heard talking about him speaks positively at all. I quit and I did not have the frame of mind to find a troop in the month I needed for Eagle.


    Likewise, no phone call, ever. For a Patrol Leader.Weird, huh?

  4. Pack Flag ceremonies have been mostly done by the Den that the Cub Masters son and his friends are in. My den is only asked to do flag ceremonies on kindergarten-2nd grade PTA night instead of with peers (3rd- 5th grade PTA) or Scouts. It may seem petty, by my kids point it out to me; "Why do they get to do the flag ceremony all the time?" (Often in a whiny voice --grins--) I just defend it as "We did the PTA meeting last week....." or things to that effect.


    Additionally, any messes made by any other group, tigers, other dens etc. seem to get cleaned up by my guys and their parents since the Cub Master will approach and get them to "help clean this place up." His son's den is usually out playing tag in the school yard when this happens. I don't believe the boys have noticed the cleaning up side of things. I just don't let them run wild when there are things that need doing to retun the school property to a nice condition. But the cub master makes no effort to collect other dens or announce before dismissing that they should stick around for cleanup.

  5. As a Webelo Leader I would know my boys would not like a repeat of anything they learned in Cubs. But would be fascinated by anything that is Boy Scout specific. Camp cooking, Rank and Organizational info (Kind of a short BSA- 101 course in how a Troop works, patrols, patrol leaders etc.) Merit Badge choices, Order of the Arrow.


    It is not really Webelos Welcom wagon, but is more true to the goals of your outing to show/see the difference between Cubs and Boy scouts.

  6. I am a Webelos den leader and I have a question. What are the rules for turning in advancement? Can I go to the council for the following problem?:


    Every time I turn in new advancement to the Awards Chairman, she questions whether my boys "really" did the requirements. I believe she is jealous of our boys since they work so hard at their rank and since she is the other Webelos den leader "her" boys appear to be behind in advancements since they focus on football and soccer etc.

    Regardless of her motives, shouldn't she pass the awards along to the council since I am an authorised, trained leader, (More training than her I might add) plus she has no valid reason to doubt my honesty. I have nothing to gain by "cheating" the program or boys. I believe trustworthyness to be a core value of scouting. And for me personally I am a devout Christian attending seminary and raising my sons and daughter to hold their honor as a treasure. I have wanted to quit every time she does this. I only stay in since my son and his buddies in our den love it so. It is the adult leadership I can't stand.(Packmaster is always "Singling" my group out for harsher details and less positive attention)

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