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About kenpen

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  1. Jet526, that sounds so complicated! Argh, knot tying was never one of my strong points. But I'll file that away in the event that I need to use it! And thank you, fgoodwin, I wanted to say that too. If it's not in the book, I think it should be barred from formal examinations. Right?
  2. Your 1936 version?! For those of us who dont have such old copies, how are we supposed to know what that thing is?! Thanks, though, for answering my question! =D
  3. Are you sure? The Cowshead knot (or Lark's head, as you say) has to be tied on to something. The one on the badge is freestanding.
  4. One of my boys just had a board of review and got stumped on a question. He was asked, At the bottom of the Scouting emblem, what kind of knot is at the bottom? The tester said that it was an overhand knot. However, where it discusses the emblem in the book (Page ten), there is nothing about the KIND of knot. It says what the knot is there for, but not the type. I tried googling it, but I didnt find anything about that knot. Can someone help with this?
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