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Everything posted by kdhoogland

  1. Thanks for all of the encouragement regarding our troop situation! To Mike Long: I was very glad to read your post...and to see that this situation can be turned around. I have found out that many of the leaders DO NOT have training. I have also found out that our council is having a training session in three weeks...and am encouraging them to attend. I do understand that the Scoutmaster is to be the advisor for the SPL. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be happening. My husband and I are quite willing to step forward and be leaders...this is why we have both taken training. The
  2. Yarrow said: "It seems inappropriate to use scouting as a school curriculum although I can understand the temptation." What is inappropriate about incorporating scouting in curriculum? I know many scouters/homeschoolers who have done this. My own family utilizes the many scouting resources in our homeschool. Each child has his/her math text, grammar book, and then we use scouting resources for the rest of our studies. Also, much of material that is taught in traditional schools can be applied to merit badges (in boy Scouts) and other achievements (within cub scouting). An example would be
  3. "and since they boys (PLC) plan the program and schedule, its their fault if dates conflict in the first place." Our troop has only had ONE PLC in the last year. The boys are NOT planning the activities. The adults are. I had NO idea the boys were supposed to be doing PLC's until I attended Boy Scout Leader Training this past Spring. I have sat in on every committee meeting for the last 15 months (since our son joined this troop). There is never any input from the boys. When I question this, I am given confused stares. Short of switching troops, which my son does not want to do
  4. JMC--the adult Patrol Advisors are usually registered as an Asst. Scoutmaster or Committee member. Our troop has 52 scouts, with 8 patrols. The use of Patrol Advisors is prevalent in the troops in our District (as well as Council). It is NOT like that of a Den Leader...we don't plan activities for the boys, we give guidance (something that is especially helpful with new scouts). Each patrol does have at least one advisor. In the patrol my husband and I advise, the boys have been in the troop since Feb. of last year. We have been the ones providing things to the boys that they cannot:
  5. About 1/2 of the 50 boys in our troop are in sports. The other 1/2 are not. The one thing I resent about the kids so involved in sports: all of the troop activities are planned around THEIR sports activities. I do not think this is fair to the other 1/2 who are not in sports. I can see accomodating the sports playing scouts SOME of the time...but the troop schedule shound not always have to revolve around these particular scouts. I think some troop activities could be planned...and if it coincides with a sports event...the scout will have to choose. I do not think it is right to hav
  6. My husband and I are advisors for one patrol. We try to make sure they have a patrol meeting or outing once a month AWAY from the rest of the troop. This has really helped in making the patrol more cohesive. We have noticed a big difference in their teamwork on troop outings/meetings since we have pulled them together as a smaller group once a month or so.
  7. Paul: You said: "IF the boys are being counseled by registered MB counselors, doing all the work, and learning the material, don't worry about the other leaders. If your school district allows you to use the MB items in your curricula, good. Keep up the good work. " Yes, all the boys in the troop, regardless of where they attend school, only work with registered MB counselors. Regarding the school district here (in Illinois), it has NO involvement in my homeschool. In Illinois, and in several other states as well, homeschools are considered private schools. We are not required to
  8. "We now have female adult volunteers regularly elected to the OA. However, for a youth member of scouting to be elected to OA, they must have earned the rank of First Class." We have male adult leaders who are regularly elected to OA and were never scouts either.
  9. "When you say that merit badges are used for their primary "curriculum", is this in regards to their home schooling???" Yes! And this topic was discussed at GREAT lenghth last September, at Philmont, during the conference "Scouting for the Homeschooled". The majority of the scouters/parents who attended are using scouting resources in their homeschools. "Either way, there are "checks and balances" in the Scouting advancement program. " As a trained leader, I make sure ALL the scouts which are in my patrol understand the protocol for merit badge work. Our scoutmaster allows the
  10. Regarding Paul with 2 homeschooled Tigers having "some difficulty initially adapting to the social setting of multiple boys and parents, however it did not take them long to be active in the den." In general, the Tigers that have come through my Pack (I have been an active Cub Scout leader for 7 years, Boy Scout leader for almost 2), usually take a while to adapt to multiple boys and parents...that is a developmental issue, regardless of where the kids are educated. We have only been homeschooling for 2 1/2 years. Both of my older boys were in a public school when they started scout
  11. The reason why I was asking about other scouts who homeschool is this: my oldest son (he is 12, just finishing his First Class requirements) is one of four boys (out of 50) in our troop that homeschool. All four families utilize the scouting program. The problem we are running into is that some of the other leaders think these boys are doing "too many" merit badges. My son is working on his 16th (in a year and a half). Another boy just finished his 24th. We have tried explaining that the boys are doing Merit Badges as their primary "curriculum"...but one of the leaders is under the impres
  12. Is anyone here in a unit with scouts who are homeschooled? Our sons are all homeschooled (two in Cub Scouts and one in Boy Scouts).
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