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Posts posted by kcshrader

  1. CalicoPen wrote:

    To be a leader in AHG, you must be an American Citizen. You can delude yourself into thinking this isn't anti-immigrant, but I can't think of a better way to discourage immigrant families from joining than requiring leaders to be American citizens.


    Actually, the stated requirement is "a legal resident of the United States". The document you originally cited is outdated and the language has been replaced.(This message has been edited by kcshrader)

  2. You know, we do pretty well at running our own program. It's some of the "extra" stuff that we could use a little help.


    For example, we recently participated in a Memorial Day flag planting at the local Natl Cemetery. It's a long-standing event -- some troops have been doing it 20+ years -- and it's open to many different organizations. BSA and GSA were both well-represented.


    Unfortunately, the organizers have gotten the idea that since so many troops have been doing it for so many years, they don't need to give instructions any more. To say we floundered a bit in figuring it out is something of an understatement. If I'd had an leader who'd been there before to team with for the morning, it would have gone so much more smoothly. Is that really so onerous a burden? And really, would a few more families have made it that much more complicated an event? Truly, we had such a high % of parents participating, we might've been able to assist in some of the BSA YP guidelines -- I'm assuming you have to meet ratios and such.

  3. >>"I'm about to call our BSA District Office and ask for help in finding a local BSA Troop that is interested in partnering with my AHG Troop.">Partnering how? Why? >"the families in my Troop already know where to find the Boy Scouts if they're interested in that. I doubt I'm going to be able to draw boys into Boy Scouts, at least not in large numbers.">So your AHG Charter Organization is not interested in chartering a BSA Boy Scout Troop. Your AHG families are not interested in putting their sons in a Boy Scout Troop that is affiliated with the AHG Charter Organization. The Boy Scout Troops that your AHG families are members of are not interested in partnering with your AHG group. >My Charter Org would consider a Boy Scout Troop, but we've had no parents interested in starting one to date. We have families associated with several BSA Troops -- enough variety that I'm a little hesitant in singling out one to approach. I could, I suppose, but the guidance I've gotten from AHG National is to check with the BSA District Executive to see if there are any BSA Troops that are looking for an AHG partner troop.>So, again, why are you looking for a Boy Scout Troop, and what do you hope to get out of it?

  4. OK, let's turn the question on it's head.


    I'm about to call our BSA District Office and ask for help in finding a local BSA Troop that is interested in partnering with my AHG Troop.


    What can I offer in the way of benefits to the BSA Troop?


    So far, I've heard lots of folks say that they'd like to see an increase in BSA membership. I can try, but the families in my Troop already know where to find the Boy Scouts if they're interested in that. I doubt I'm going to be able to draw boys into Boy Scouts, at least not in large numbers.


    I think I can offer to share some of the adult-volunteer load. If we can make some event a joint event, it makes sense we'd be doing half the work.


    What else? I'm honestly open to ideas for making this partnership one of mutual benefit.

  5. "So AHG will accept girls of any faith ... just tell them that their parents can't help out because they're nonbelievers?"


    Which I take to mean "we just want to have your girl involved because she is young and we want to proselytize to her without you around."


    No, the adult leaders are the ones who have to sign the statement of faith. Lots of other adults can help out -- they just simply have to pass the background check (safety regs and all that).


    Believe me, I have lots of non-leader parents "hanging around" during a meeting, keeping an eye on what's going on. They're even welcome to sit in on the unit meetings and hear exactly what's being taught.

  6. I don't think the "AHG/BSA alliance" is to merge the two programs into one, but rather have some common groupings like camporees or summer camp programs.




    At the local level, I haven't actually tried to connect with a BSA Troop yet, but we're hoping to possibly do a joint service project, or perhaps an all-family campout... something where sons & daughters could work together.


    Maybe we could eventually do some joint work on some badge requirements, or perhaps have one troop teach the other? I know I'd love to have some boys come in and do a "real" flag ceremony for us, because we're still struggling with them (having done exactly one so far). I'm guessing that could fit into some sort of service hours for the boys....

  7. Mark me as another one who thinks the AHG/BSA alliance is the way to go...



    What about for non-Christian girls?


    I'd suggest their parents take a very close look at the program. Believe it or not, AHG's non-discrimination policy means that the girls only have to promise to say the Oath (love God, cherish my family, honor my country, serve in my community) and abide by the rules & regs. The Statement of Faith only applies to the adults.


    Yes, the girls are going to hear about the Bible and Christ. But the program isn't intended to convert anyone -- this isn't Sunday School.


    As a coordinator, I'd be comfortable working with the family of a girl who claims either a Jewish or Muslim faith... as long as the family is willing to work with me, I suppose.


    Since the Boy Scout Oath still references "duty to God" there's obviously a faith element to the BSA program. I think we'll find much more common ground than we will dividing lines.


    Is AHG going to be for everyone? No. No program ever is. (not even, gasp! Boy Scouts )


    I guess my point is, it's a better alternative than taking BSA co-ed.



  8. Mark me as another one who thinks the AHG/BSA alliance is the way to go...


    I'm the troop coordinator for a brand-new AHG troop, and many of the parents are very enthusiastic about partnering with a local BSA troop. It looks to be a wonderful way for the boys and girls to work together on some things (because that does offer valuable experiences) and yet still allow for the same-sex benefits/refuge aspect as well.


    Though the funniest comment I've heard about it was "Will they teach us to build a fire?" Yeah, my adults have a long way to go to become safe in the woods .

  9. Yup, you read that right, American Heritage Girls. I'm the brand-new Troop Coordinator for a brand-new Troop near Kansas City.


    Truthfully, I've got little to no real idea what I'm doing yet, so I'm just going to lurk around in a dark corner of the forums and soak up some of your been-there-done-that stories, okay?



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