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Posts posted by arrowman168

  1. "I'm not a big fan of OA ceremonies when they celebrate multiple Gods and talk about animal deities. These ideas are against my faith. I must assume some church sponsors feel the same way."-Rooster7


    This is just total BS. I dont whant to sound mean. I prefom ceremonies and not to get into anything the belongs in the safe OA section there is no meantion what so ever of multiple Gods or animal deities. If a parent or church leader has an issue with the ceremonies they can sit in on one if they dont get in the way. I have seen it done myself. And also, troop chartering orgs. have NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS AT ALL. Just beacuse a troop is chartered by a chruch, the scout dose not have to belive in that faith. Also, to coment on what stlscouter said, in order to be a Boy Scout you must belive in a High Power. Also, the ceremonies do not mock Native American religon. In fact, there is only two, count 'em, two metions of God in the Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, and Brotherhood Ceremonies. I can not say anything about the Vigil Honor Cermony as I am a Brotherhood member.Just one last thing, I do not undresant why Rooster7 keeps bgring up the subject of Church sponsered Troops. The Chruch dose not run the troop and its belive systems do not affect it.





  2. I just wanted to add this. I have been in the OA for two years now. I hold the Brotherhood Honor and I am a Vice Chief in my lodge. I also plan on joining a Crew. I would like to tell a story if I could.. I do all the OA elections for the Troops in my distric. This one troop I held an election for also had a crew meet on the same night with them since both were small and were chartered by the same chruch. So when I gave my little talk about the OA and showed a video on the Order, some of the Venture people came over to listen in because I guess they had never heard of th OA before. But they just happened to miss that part only troop members being elected. Needless to say I was very surprised to see girls names on the ballots. So I went back over, retold the whole thing abotu the OA is Boy Scouts and Varisty Scouts and did antoher election with some drity looks form the crew members. Just a funny little story I thought I would share.

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