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Posts posted by J_Prewitt

  1. Prairie_Scouter


    You ask how the ACLU is against most things this country was founded on, the one most important is religion. This country was founded in large part of wanting freedom of religion yet we aren't free to display our religious beliefs unless we are in the minority. Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Assoc. in 1802 was in the content that government should establish no religion, not that it should aid in regulating it. If the ACLU stands behind all religions, I challenge you to name five things done in favor of Christians. They may stand behind hate speech, murderers, terrorist, and against personal accountability, but speak out in public about Christ or display any Christian symbol and you're labled as impossing your beliefs on others.

    As for the attacks on the BSA, the Illinois chapter of the ACLU has forced through lawsuites the Defense Dept. to suspend it's decades long tradition of supporting scouts. They now intend to try and end all federal support of the BSA. The ACLU claims the pledge "To do my duty to God and my country" is religious discrimination, and I quote, "Direct government sponsership of BSA units violates the religious liberty of youth who wish to participate but do not want to express a belief in God." So don't join!

    The Worldnet Daily reported an increasing number of California PUBLIC school students must attend an intensive 3 week course on Islam. The course mandates that 7th graders learn the tenets of Islam, study important figures of faith, wear a robe, adopt a muslim name, and stage their own jihad. They must also learn many verses of the Koran.

    Finally, to teach a child in school that the big bang theory is the begining of what has become today is to teach atheism to our youth. There is no diffrence in teaching that there is or isn't a God, they would both be a form of religion.

  2. Some of you may look at this as a black helicopter theory, but facts are facts. The ACLU was founded by Roger Baldwin, a well known sympathizer of communism. Two more that helped it off it's feet were Earl Browder, General Sec. of the Communist Party, and Crystal Eastman who was also a communist sympathizer and organizer of a radical womans organization. All three of them were watched closely by th FBI due to their ani-American activities. The ACLU was an offshoot of the American Union Against Militarism which led opposition to Americas entry into war. The ACLU is against most everything this country was founded on. The war they wage on religion is becomming more aggressive and if they could get their hands on the Boy Souts, much like they have with the Girl Scouts, they would liberalize every regulation the Boy Scouts hold to remain traditional and religious. Bottom line is, the ACLU does not hold the best intrest for America. Every religion should be accepted by the masses except Christianity, and our children should be tought about evolution and the Koran in school but how dare you mention the Ten Commandments. I could carry on all night on this subject.

  3. Mbscoutmom, you can't say that good home discipline would not solve a lot of the behavior problems. I have four sons ranging from 7 through 1 and two of them are truly a handful, yet I would dare someone to tell me they need drugs to fix their behvior. I also coach soccer and two seasons ago I had a player with so called ADHD. When he wasn't sedated, yes he was all over the place and really wouldn't listen to anything his mother would say but then they would pill him up, and I'm not exaggerating, it was all I could do to get him to walk ten feet. I have encountered many of these kids where you can clearly see that they have severe discipline problems and the parent will do no more than say, "Please stop now," or "Thats not a very nice thing to do." Some may choose to just scream at them but it still generates the same effect, the child sees no actual punishment and feels free to go as he/she pleases. My children know that if they show their butt that it's probaly going to become sore or have the possability to not see green grass for awhile. This doesn't apply to a child that clearly has a mental disability, but as for the rest, parents have to take accountability for their kids and quit making excuses for their misbehavior. Scouting is also to help kids grow into curteous, patriotic, and God fearing youn men. If we don't work with those who truly need our help then we miss out on our greatest opportunities.

  4. It seems everyone is making the biggest issue on the ADHD side of the situation and not what could truly happen to better the experience. I don't believe in drugging any child simply becuase he or she may be high strung. I have a child in my Tiger den that, no matter how hard he tries, can't stay still and can't resist commenting on every word said during a meeting. When in a pack meeting, I have sit beside him constantly saying, "Be still", or "Shhh." In my experience with high-strung boys it seems to always come back to a lack of dicipline in the home. Someone previously wrote to show that you are in charge and I couldn't agree more. Think about a child around the age of two. He or she will slowly attempt something while keeping an eye on mom or dad to see what the boundries are. If you don't respond they begain attempting it with no regards and become upset when disciplined. With this in mind speak to the parent about discipline during the meetings, and whatever is decided, BE CONSISTANT. You will not get this kid to stay still and silent (that will take until 30) but you can get some control over the situation. As for the remaining scouts, they should be disciplined anytime they single him out or shun him from the group just as you would for any other scout. You are a den and should function as a den, pull the den together and heal as a family.

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