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About jwickham

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    Junior Member

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  • Location
    Freeport Illinois
  1. ljn, Thanks for your Woolite recommendation. I will add that to Calico's great cleaning guide. My frame pack is very dirty, so I'll see what I can do with it this weekend. Maybe I'll throw in some before and after pics to show you the difference. I feel a bit more reassured in my decision for getting canvas. I took my Yucca with me tonight and got lots of ooohs and aaaahs from the other adult leaders. Since it is a reproduction, it is new - and looks nice. But more importantly, I am beginning to see why it was used for such a long time. Its broad usefulness, and durability is v
  2. Thank you VERY much CalicoPenn!! That is the kind of detailed, useful reply I was hoping for. I know there are better materials for camping these days. (And I am sure some of you are asking, "Jerry! Why are you using CANVAS in 2006?") I an not certain of that myself. Maybe I just wanted something different. I am 35, and I don't think that any canvas packs were still on the market when I was in scouting, as I seem to recall only using nylon or other material. I also happened upon another ebay auction that had year 2000 reproductions of the old style canvas dufflebag (zipper
  3. OK Scouters, I think I need some help. On eBay, I happened upon an old official BSA frame pack. (full size) It is an aluminum frame with Canvas bag. The pack was ill cared for and seems to just have been taken out of storage and shipped off as is. There are cobwebs, dirt, dust, a cocoon attached to the side, etc. Like it has been storing in a place with lots of spiders and etc. The actual material seems in good shape, but sorely needs a good cleaning and some tidying up. What is the best way to clean old Canvas? Can this be washed? It doesn't have washing care instructions an
  4. Thanks guys. I am working with the 11 year olds mostly, which, I feel, is one of the more critical times in a boy's scouting experience. If I can help get them really enthused about what they are doing and what they can accomplish, they will have the better chance of scouting success as they enter their teens, where the pressure to drop out is more prevalent with each passing year. As more and more things take up their time, they will weigh scouting's benefits and measure it against other interests and values. If they have that enthusiasm from earlier, and have good leadership, the cha
  5. Hello fellow Scouters! I am so excited. i was invited to be an Assistant ScoutMaster (Troop 8, Blackhawk Area Council) recently and just discovered this website and forum. How great is THIS? I have been lurking around reading a LOT of the posts here, and must say I am happy that the spirit of scouting is in capable hands and alive and well. I loved Scouting as a youth, and have always loved it. Things have changed a bit since I was there 10 years ago, (especially my ability to fit into my uniform!!!) but the core hasn't changed. Year after year I am a witness to how societ
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