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Everything posted by JulietteMom

  1. ScoutNut, it's not that the other troop needs 'fixing'...my husband and I simply have different ideas of what scouting should be: we think it ought to be about 'growing the girl', each to their own abilities and interests while challenging them a bit and exposing them to different things to 'TryIt' out. It's about community and service and honor and self-confidence and learning new skills and teaching those skills to each other. It's about encouraging each other and applauding each other's efforts, not competition. This growth can happen in a group dynamic, which is why we'll go out of
  2. Thank you all for your input... Here's my thinking: I'm waaaaaay too busy to start a troop, and don't really want to join another troop as co-leader, just for the purpose of changing the way the leader does things (that seems to be a great path toward conflict, NOT something the girls need to see!). So, we go Juliette and work with the troops to help make area GS more cohesive and more energized. For example, I plan to organize and conduct the Bureau of Land Management's "Girls Get with the Land" patch next year, and possibly do the EPA Waterdrop patch for other area troops as well, wor
  3. Hey, thanks! I got to surfing, and found that with some simple 'googling'...great info there. :-)
  4. Hi, everyone! Seems this is a terrific place to get ideas, learn from other people's experiences, and get feedback from a variety of perspectives. Our daughter will be 7 in a couple months, was a Daisy with a local troop, and we've been told that we won't be allowed to earn extra patches or badges other than what the rest of the troop can earn. Soooo...we are registering her as a Juliette and I am coordinating lots of projects to do in cooperation with her former troop and other local troops, as well as encouraging other time-crunched families to register their girls as Juliettes. I'm
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