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Everything posted by JoeJansen

  1. The behavior of the boy was wrong. The destructive behavior with regard to the camping equipment is of special concern. All the discussion about the punishment and procedures does not address the point that the boy needs help and how he may be helped. Some professional counselling may identify positive steps that, if taken, can help this boy get straightened out. What sometimes helps is to focus on the positive behaviors of the boy and to encourage him to build on and develop his good qualities. If all that is done is to parse the punishment options you are missing the important point that thi
  2. There is a very interesting discussion of a troop planning process at http://scoutdocs.ca/Documents/Youth_Input.php where the author describes how he had the youth participate in the planning process and how events subsequently unfolded. Joe Jansen JAJansenJr@gmail.com http://www.customprograms.info/scoutingresources.htm I used to be an Owl. SC-70-15
  3. I would suggest that to build a checklist of essential elements for a successful troop you have to start with a checklist of successful elements necessary for a boy to have a great Scouting experience. What makes this a challenge is each boy will progress at a different rate and new boys may join all the time. Still, you have to start with a checklist of successful elements necessary for the individual boy to have a great Scouting experience. So I would look closely at the requirements for each Scout rank and decide how opportunities to earn each requirement depend on a great troop program.
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