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Everything posted by jmstock

  1. This matter was taken care of. He is no longer on our charter as a leader and has been forbidden to hold any leadership position. He presented himself before our committee with a heart felt apology. He is getting help and taking classes through his church. Because his son can really only attend our troop and he was making significant progress, the dad is allowed to drop off and be with his son only. And if his son goes on any trips, then he is only allowed to drive his own son.
  2. Just to give you all an update. I did confront the SM and several other committee memembers and clued the SM in to what his duties were and what I would do (call the District and then resign my position) if nothing happened. It worked... he did call the SE and the SE has left it up to the Troop to deal with (unless the parent of the child presses charges). We have a committee meeting tomorrow and will be discussing this whole issue, together with the broader issue of respect and discipline. It sounds like the parent may be pressing charges though, so there may some more "fun" ahead. I and
  3. Thank you so much for all of your advice. I will be contacting the Scoutmaster (again) to let him know what his obligations are and if he has not filed a report with Council by Monday, then I will do so. I'll keep you posted.
  4. This past weekend our Troop participated in an all day event in our community. We've done it for many years (run a hamburger booth during our local town's October Festival). And we've done it to be more visible in the community so everyone can see our Scouts in action. Well we certainly gave our community a good show. A couple of our Scouts had these blow up "thunder sticks" (small inflated bat-like) and they were bopping each other with them and then they bopped one of our adult leaders with them. It started out as horseplay, but the adult went over the line. He picked up one Scout by t
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