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Posts posted by JFaFa

  1. Hey, Shortridge kinda of the same boat. We wanted to get our daughter,3 rd grade, into scouting because of the outdoors and meeting new friends. So I took her to a troop with a friend from school and she liked it. I stayed around since it is hard to find volunteers to help, I remembered it from BSA. Well before long the ATL quit so I stepped up, with the troop leaders blessing, and its been great ever since, and my wife volunteers also. On trips I get up earlier before the girls so I am done changing and wait for them to get ready or go to bed later. At council's camp the other leaders are supportive of a male supporting the girls but sometimes I do feel like "The Wicker Man". When that happens all I do is think of the girls that are happy when I show up at a GS function and tell the fuddy duddies to bite my left toe, under my breath of course. Then I see these same troops don't have the basic camp skills like to build a fire and keep it going or know how to read a compass... but that's another rant

    The girls enjoyment is the main goal and when they are happy to see me that is all I could want.

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