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Everything posted by Iansleader

  1. The idea of going to another Pack doesn't work here - you are with the pack that your child's school or church belong to, or you aren't in scouts. It's not like Boy Scouts where there are many Troops. There is a Mom and leader with this group that moved during the year and is being asked to move to the Pack where her son will be going to school, even though she is currently a Den Leader. I am involved in other volunteer organizations here - I know there are egos and politics. I also know that I am ultimately in it for my sons. I just really hope this Pack doesn't crash and burn because of s
  2. First, let me clarify. This was not a decision that was made through the committee - the CC made the "executive decision", as was told to me by other leaders that attending the meeting. Yes, I was offended, not because I felt that what he did was wrong - I think the boys should be kept with their friends - but that this was not communicated to me. It was just done. I have worked as a volunteer and as a teacher for most of my life, and I understand that volunteers need to be supported and felt like they are part of the process. This CC has continually caused hard feeling because we do feel like
  3. You all recognized that it was a problem (that it was too loud and rambuncous). There has not been a problem at this point (we meet 2x a month since September). I would have thought that if the leader and the parents don't have an issue, no one else should either. As the saying goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
  4. I have seen some questions similar to this, but I am on an opposite page - I like my Den bigger. I am a teacher and am used to a lot of children to teach, but the committee chair seems to think that he has the better plan. He moved children from my Den (at that point their were 9 boys), without even telling me. While one child was his son, I felt like I had at least the right to know, versus reading it in the leader's minutes (I couldn't make the meeting that night because my son was ill). I have a child that is in my son's class (along with another child from my Den) who signed up thinking he
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