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Posts posted by htc1992eaglescout47553

  1. In another post, Captain Ron said:


    I was given the "remains" of my old Scout Board (a framed collection of all my patches/rank/etc). My Parents had it until they moved and it was lost/destroyed.

    I was able to recover most of everything but one MB, "Astronomy" (which I earned in the late 70s). I DO NOT have my old "Blue card".

    How can I get a replacement for it?


    My Eagle Certificate was beat up pretty bad. I was going to send for a "Duplicate" from National (I have the form).

    QUESTION: Will the new Certificate have the "Current" President, etc. on it? Or will it have Ronald Reagan on it like my old one? Are they the Same design?

    I know this sounds abit silly, but I have been told everything under the rainbow about this and I need some facts.




    Concerning this issue, when I was given my merit badges, they were accompanied by a Pocket MB Certificate signed by the Scoutmaster. Check if you have that certificate.


    If not, check with the council that you earned the Merit badge and ask if they can check their records of them.


    Also, concerning the duplicate certificate, I am about to get myself a duplicate. I'll let you know about it.(This message has been edited by htc1992eaglescout47553)

  2. Apparently, the Boy Scouts of America has released a new issue for the Eagle Scout Presentation kit. The Medal and the Patch are the same, but what makes this different are these:

    1. Mother's Pin and Father's Pin are redesigned

    2. Addition of a golden Eagle Scout Mentor Pin

    3. NO Eagle Scout Tie Tac (I wonder if this will be sold separetly or completely disolved)


    #s 1 and 2 are similar to the style of the Eagle Scout Patch.


    Concerning the Tie-Tac, I wonder if some may find the Eagle Scout Tie Tac no longer .?"hip"

  3. Since I am both a Webelos Den Leader and a Troop Committee member, I do have 2 shirts. One for the Webelos Den Leader and one for the Troop Committee.


    I wear the WDL Uniform during Cub Scout Meetings (I also wear it during Troop/Den joint activities>.


    I wear the TC Uniform during Troop events and meetings, as well as District Camporees on occasions that I spend time with the troop.


    I do take both during OA Functions and I do wear either one during Roundtables and visits to the council office.



  4. Let me see here, here are the requirements for eligibility for the OA:


    1. Be First Class Scout

    2. In a two year period, camp for 15 days and nights, which must include a long term campout (ie, Summer Camp)

    3. Be elected by 50% of the unit


    If a Scout leader starts adding requirements to these, I have to say that he or she had done a dis-service to both OA and BSA. If they meet the above requirements, then the Scouter should let them be on the list.


  5. Let me see here, here are the requirements for eligibility for the OA:


    1. Be First Class Scout

    2. In a two year period, camp for 15 days and nights, which must include a long term campout (ie, Summer Camp)

    3. Be elected by 50% of the unit


    If a Scout leader starts adding requirements to these, I have to say that he or she had done a dis-service to both OA and BSA. If they meet the above requirements, then the Scouter should let them be on the list.


  6. Let me see here, here are the requirements for eligibility for the OA:


    1. Be First Class Scout

    2. In a two year period, camp for 15 days and nights, which must include a long term campout (ie, Summer Camp)

    3. Be elected by 50% of the unit


    If a Scout leader starts adding requirements to these, I have to say that he or she had done a dis-service to both OA and BSA. If they meet the above requirements, then the Scouter should let them be on the list.


  7. There is a song from Stryper (Christian Metal Band from the 1980s) that they sang on the "Can't Stop The Rock" CD that comes in mind concerning July 4. The Song is "Believe" and here are the lyrics:


    Look what we can do

    When we get together

    And give support to those on the lines

    It's our sons and daughters (Its our sons and daughters)

    Our sisters and brothers

    We show them we cared (Show them we cared)

    If they lived or died


    In this land of freedom

    There's riots in the streets

    All in the name of peace

    If we stand in unity

    We'll win with dignity

    Our strength has said it all

    Pray and Believe

    Oh yeah


    The wars through the ages

    Have taken so many lives

    I think of their faces

    And the fear in their eyes

    With hearts made of courage (Hearts made of courage)

    And souls filled with fire

    Those who fight for their people (Fight for their people)

    Lets lift their names higher


    In this land of freedom

    There's riots in the streets

    All in the name of peace


    If we stand in unity

    We'll win with dignity

    Our strength has said it all

    Pray and Believe


    Our strength has said it all

    Pray and Believe (x1)


  8. Hmm, let me see here. I need to add another log to the fire. I want some s'mores. Ahh, there is one. There. Done,


    Anyhoo, I have two questions to ask you all at the campfire. What is your favorite music style and who are your favorite artists/singers/bands?


    I personally like classic rock, hard rock and some metal. Favorites include Petra, Stryper, Bride, Rebecca St. James, Evanessence, Foreigner, Shannon Curfman, and whoever sounds good.



  9. Here is a small list of councils that have their own EAGLE SCOUT CSP.


    Hoosier Trails Council (IN)

    Crossroads of America Council (IN)

    Central New Jersey Council (NJ)

    Hiawatha Seaway Council (NY)

    Northern New Jersey Council (NJ)

    Narragansett Council (RI/CT/MA)

    Simon Kenton Council (OH)

    W.D.Boyce Council (IL)


    This list may not be complete since I got that list from E-bay. I believe that there might be more councils that have their own CSPs for Eagle Scouts.


    As far as policy of who can wear them. I suppose any Eagle Scout. I recently bought one from my council (HTC) and I recently bought a new uniform shirt and I will have my Eagle Scout CSP on it. Some of the above have "neutral" CSPs (that is the CSPs that does not have the year patch issued) and some Specific CSP (i.e. Eagle Scout 2000).

  10. BornInThe60s writes:


    "Needless to say, I've made a new one since then. (25 years worth of beads? When did I get that old??) I fit right in with all the young staffers at Bear Camp yesterday and today. "



    There is an old saying to what you said. "Time flies when you are having fun."

  11. The main reason I posted this topic is to see how many fellow Cub Scouter Arrowmen are registered on this site. Although debating an issue might be good in some instances, arguments are not.


    One thing I have noticed in my area is that there are not many Cub Scouter Arrowmen, but I hope to see current Scout Arrowmen (youth) consider a leadership position in the Cub Scout program. To me, the significance of a Cub Scouter wearing OA Stuff on their uniform is a tad different than Scouter Arrowmen. To me, those who are Cub Scouter Arrowmen could show the best of Scouting by training and teaching potential Boy Scouts. They'll see their leader wear the stuff and they might be interested in the program in general.


    Years ago, I served as a Webelos Den Chief and I did wear my OA stuff and my sash. Many Cub Scouts thought it was cool and wondered what they were and how they could get it. I went ahead and told the requirements of how to be eligible for OA, but I did not tell them about the tests.


    Besides, the flap and sash look very cool on the Cub Scout Leader (uh, or any) uniform.

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