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Everything posted by HiStyleRider

  1. Thanks for the replies so far, it's good to know we parents here are not the only ones to go thru this. Our biggest problem seems to be that the size of the group means that the guest list will be so big we can't use our typical venue for the ceremony, the host church that sponsors our troop. They just don't have one room big enough for the 60 plus Scouts and all the relatives likely to be attending, plus those invited especially by the 7 Eagles, another 100 or so. We anticipate well over 200 people. Weather around here in Jersey in June means we have to look for an inside place to avoid
  2. I'm a parent of a boy who recently achieved Eagle, and is among a rather large group of boys who have been encouraged by the powers that be to have a multiple Court of Honor. In all, we are looking at 7 boys at once. Is there any history of such a sizable group having the C of H together, and is there any suggested protocol? The concept is a bit overwhelming to some of us parents, trying to accommodate the wishes of all concerned. Space for a pretty big group of guests, costs associated with serving so many, managing the time for so many speakers, etc. We have agreed, in principle, on reducing
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