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Posts posted by Gutterbird

  1. Thanks for all the input.

    There have been some good ideas presented here. We try to have fun at all our fundraisers, in fact, we just completed a very successful fundraiser at took all the boys who participated for pizza after words. I like the hoodie and t-shirt idea's. I may go with something along that line. And as far as calling it "my troop", I did not mean that in the possessive form, I meant it as "being a part of". If anything, I consider it to be the boys troop.

    Again, thanks for all the insight.

    (This message has been edited by Gutterbird)

  2. That is a good idea, but again, mom and dad will pay the bill if they do not particpate in fundraisers. I do not beleive that this teaches good work ethics and I do not beleive it follows the Scout Law of being "Thrifty". A Scout must be "Thrifty", not mom and dad. Do you think I am battling a lost cause here?(This message has been edited by Gutterbird)

  3. I have a few boys in my troop that will never show for fundraisers. It is always the same few scouts coming and doing all the work over and over. What we do is that for each boy that participates in a fundraiser, a portion of the profits it set aside for that boy to use to offfset his personal expsence of scouting activites or uniforms. The one that truly benefits from this are the parents. The more the boy works the less the PARENT has to pay and inversly, the less a scout works the more a PARENT pays. It seems that these few boys that never work the fundraiser still takes advantage of the new camping gear, etc. I mentioned this to the Committe Chair for resolution but her reply is that that is just the way it is. I do not buy that, each boy should help out. After all a scout is supose to be "Thrifty" How do you make a boy do his part? I have had scoumaster confrences with these boys regarding the subjuct but it goes in one ear and out the other.

    Any Thoughts?

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