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Posts posted by greenSM

  1. As a former dialysis patient I, too, do not underestimate the use of salt and fluid intake!


    I have shown my copy of "Scouting for Boys" to my PLC. As Eamonn hinted, it may as well have been in Chinese. I've had Scouts who could quote from their father's Fieldbook but, never knew that cooking, camping, and First Aid were actually chapters in their Scout Handbook. "The grass is always greener..."


    On a positive note I have had Scouts correct Scouters on knots, First Aid, and other minor issues because thay DID see it in their Scout Handbook!


    For FOG and BobWhite: I- and all the firemen I know- would rather have some blood and oxygen going to the brain rather than die while the Red Cross changes the breathe/thrust count yet again. Do any editions of the Scout Handbook make that point?

  2. I understand all that, thanks. And although I find the exchanges between you and FOG entertaining, I am one, at least, who appreciates your attention to detail.


    My question, however, is how can I keep this ingrown, self-perpetuating group from interfering with my-- and presumably others-- programs. The SE and Council Commish have stood by while this clique has publically slandered and then "fired" entire committees much less individuals. I can't honestly see that knowing the selection process being helpful. Maybe I'm too close to this.

  3. Good answer, MikeF! You forgot "nap taking."


    A troop should be BOY LED. That includes most of the rank advancement teaching. The SM and ASMs are, ideally, there for resources and safety. The SM also reviews all of a Scout's progress during the SM Review for rank.


    I have a thirteen year old second class with ADD who becomes absolutely brilliant when he is asked to teach even the smallest task to a new scout! Watching that sometimes makes a whole meeting worthwhile!

  4. "The Commissioner's Field Book has a section on How to Remove a Volunteer. But of course it's not that simple."


    How about removing commissioners? Is there recourse for SM and parents when the UC and DC are hindering Scouting?


    I have less of a problem with the bureaucrats at Council or a foundering DE than I do with the incompetence, ignorance, interference, and downright dishonsety of my UC, DC, CR/CC. They treat Scouts as their own award swapping and self-congratulation society. They also seem to take great pride in circumventing rules, procedures, and any other established practices. Apparently it makes them feel powerful to "get away with it." Despite being Eagle Scout, Wood Badge trained and annual BPU attendees these three seem to have little knowlege of and even less use for the Scout program.


    I'm sorry. I'm venting. My CC/CR's indifference to BSA program and procedure, my UC's "poisoning the well" against myself, my son (the SPL and almost Eagle), and even my wife (den leader and former day camp director), and the DC's constant protection and promotion of the wh9ole mess is just getting to me after three years.

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