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Posts posted by amethyst

  1. For all to be told I am only asking to teach my boys the correct path and I never criticize anyone. It seems that you are citicizing me for inquiring. Also as I have stated before I have been involved in this Pack for 3 years prior to be becoming a Tiger leader. I was their advancement chair. I just want to know what to tell my families when they ask what is correct according to BSA Rules and Rugulations. That is my only reason for inquiring about this anyway.



  2. I do know that if a boy needs a uniform or any accessories we can ask Circle Ten Council for these items to give to the scout. We can also talk to our north District if there is a need also. So there really is not the issue of not affording the uniform were we are here in TX. This is just parents wanting to push their views on the Scouting program. They really do not care how it looks or affect their child. They think they are supporting their country by having their childwear these articles of clothing. I think it is really sad that they are that way. Also you have parents that think that a sports unifom is appropiate to wear to an award ceremony or other event for the convenience of not having to change the child's clothes for each event.



  3. Well the camo is very much encouraged at indoor ceremonies. We have a committee chair and a CM that are both afraid to say anything because they do not know as much about scouting. I may be new to Tigers but I am not so new to Scouting. I was Advancement Chair for this same Pack for 3yrs and 1 yr at another Pack. My husband and I both have a at least 10 years in Scouting leadership roles. He is now a TFC counselor with my older sons Troop. We never had an issue with camo with the previous CC and CMers. They just stated that everyone shold be in full uniform and it was excepted with out question. A few of our families think it is cute for their children to be in camo so they look more like the military. They really do not care what the children feel. Also these few parents have not taken any other training than the fast track online and they will boss everyone else around. This has lead to my reason in seeking out this information so I can lead my Scouts down the correct path. Not the choose what you want and forget the rest. I want them to have pride in Scouting.

  4. I completely agree with you on that one. I did not take the training but I have read cover to cover my son's DC manuel thathe got in the training. It has really helped me guide him as a DC. We now have him on track with our densince the webebles 1 leaders did indeed waste his 1st month in the position. Thank you for you advice.



  5. My son just turned 1st Class last Spring. He is DC for my Tiger Den. We tried to get him with the webelo 1 group but the DLers are extremely to controlling and did not know how to use a DC. I think that Tigers or Wolves is a good group to start with first. Just as long as the DLers know that he is there to assist them and help work with the Cubs.





  6. Greetings Everyone:


    I appreciate all of you valuable information that was passed along to me. I can tell all of you that my family all has always worn our uniform, one out of respect and two because we have a great love for the scouting organization. Scouting is in our blood. I have a 12yr old who has his eye on the Eagle rank and new Tiger that has wanted to wear the uniform since he was two years old. We will always be a part of the scouting organization in some form. We see this as a true gift to pass along to our future generations.



  7. Greetings All:


    I have a quick question and can not find an answer in scout literature anywhere. I have always been told that when traveling a scout was to always be in their Class A uniform for insurance reasons. Is there any truths to this? If so where can I find it in official scout literature. I was also told that cub scouts was not the same as Boy Scouts and did not have to follow the same guidelines. Please help me! I am very confused.


    Thank you for any and all assistance in this matter.


    amethyst in TX

  8. Greetings:


    This is my first time on this forum but I am a vet in the scouting arena. I have a 1st class Boy Scout and a new Tiger Cub. I was elected the Tiger Den Leader because I have been very active in previous years. I am here to learn even more about Scouting than I all ready know. I love to share my knowledge and appreciate new insights as well.



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