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Everything posted by AlmostThere

  1. I'm the SM of a small troop, and have been through this recently. A year ago when I moved from COR to SM, the troop was decidedly not boy-led, and it has been a slow process getting on track. We currently have 6 active boys; 1 Life, 3 Tenderfoot, and 2 Scouts. A few months back, we reduced the term of office to two months, and only the PL is elected, no SPL and one patrol only. When the PL is elected, he appoints each of the other boys to an office, and each office has an adult advisor. Two months is a pretty short rotation and some of the appointed positions (scribe, quartermaster,
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome. Uncleguinea: AlmostThere is kind of a philosophical statement on my part about the journey being the important part. Once I'm There, the journey is over, so I try to stay Almost There. Besides, my usual online name, 'guzziot' is just too obscure for this forum -- Russell
  3. Hi all. I've been lurking for a few months, but figured it's time to rear my ugly head. I've been the SM of a struggling troop for almost a year, after a year as COR. I wasn't a Scout myself, but inexplicably recieved Boy's Life magazine for several years during my youth in the 70's, without ever attending a meeting, not even once. I read those magazines from cover to cover and credit them with a lifelong enthusiasm for camping and scout-like stuff. -- Russell
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