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Everything posted by Fixergreg

  1. I believe that you can have a Venturing crew with in a Troop. Girls are not allowd. They are only allowed in a True Venturing Crew. IMHO her plate is way too full and she should be relieved of the ones she feels she can do without by another volunteer. Maybe another Scouts parent(s) can step up?
  2. Is this correct?? To much power is being held by one person. I was under the impression that there had to be one person one job. As Scoutmaster I cannot be Treasurer, how can she be CC and COR. Sounds fishy Sager.
  3. Go to the roundtable meetings, EVERYONE is invited. Talk to any OA member, find out the Chapter Adviser or Rep. Have him arrange for elections. Problem may be, the Sm has to recommend and approve of the choices. A lot of politics in your Troop. Be careful, it may get ugly. GOOD LUCK!!
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