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Hi and Welcome.

I'm really saddened that you have to ask such a question.

Not knowing the details.

The answer to:

"is there a provision in BSA rules to remove that person from their leadership position and prevent them from ever holding such position again?"

The answer is that there is no such provision.


A chartered organization can remove a leader.

While of course they don't normally just go about removing adults for no reason, they could if they so wanted.

If the actions by an adult do place youth members is what might be called harms way (I'm not in any way trying to use any legal jargon, but many of the activities we do have some element of danger, so I didn't want to say a dangerous situation) The Scout Executive can revoke a persons membership.

Of course the devil is in the details.

I would hope that no adult would want to attend a meeting where there are youth present smelling like a brewery. But I'm not sure if this meets the "under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs " criteria?

I have at times taken some fairly strong pain medications for back pain and have attended meeting where there are no youth present.

There are also Scout functions where alcohol is at times served. (Never on BSA property or when youth members are present.)

If the BSA were to try and make such a provision, there could be so many exceptions that it might end up making the tax code books look small.

If you have a problem with a member of the unit you serve the best bet is to talk with someone in the unit.

Start with the Committee Chair and the COR.

If you have a Unit Commissioner you might want to talk with him or her.

The District Commissioner might be able to point you in the right direction as might the DE.

I do think that they will tell you that this is a unit problem (If it happened within the unit?) While they will offer advise of who to go to. They will not want to get involved.


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