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I have sat at our Council Recognition Dinner when the Silver Beavers are being awarded.

I know that the certificate reads Service To Youth.

But at times I'm amazed at how much some people can fit into 24 hours.

Over the past couple of years I have cut back a lot on the time I spent being active in Scouting.

When I at my most active some months seen me doing something outside of the house 20 or more days a month.

This didn't sit very well with Her Who Must Be Obeyed.

I at times tried to justify it by arguing that I didn't hunt and wasn't out playing 36 holes of golf a day with a few of my friends who were.

I cut back when she first became ill a couple of years back.

It was hard.

I was a Scouting Junkie!!

It also seemed very unfair.

We had just said goodbye to our DE who was and is a very dear and close friend. We had spent almost ten years working together as part of the District Key 3. Our communication with each other was almost embarrassing, some people thought we were romantically involved. She by the way was and is a she!!

My cutting back left a very new DE who had no idea and still doesn't seem to understand what he should be doing. Out there with little or no support.

My decision to cut back was mine and mine alone.

I have friends who think the world of Scouting and the program, who for one reason or another can only support the program with their financial contribution, they still take an interest in what is going on and what the Scouts are doing.

I have other friends who seem to be every where doing everything. At times I wonder how their spouses put up with them? But I do understand that it's none of my business. Some of these people do a wonderful job for Scouting and some are just a pain. Still they are there and it is up to who ever is leading what ever they are involved in to try and give them direction and see that the job gets done.

When I talk with the youth members of the Ship, I do my best to get them to see and understand what should be important to them. Sadly I end up preaching about what is important to me.

It's all to easy for me to go on about Family, God, Work, but some (not all)of these Scouts are going through a rebellious stage.

They don't all have wonderful families.

They are questioning their religion, some of them while accepting that there is a "Higher Power" don't really belong to any organized religion, but are even questioning if there really is a higher power or whatever?

Some are just filling in time by attending school and can't wait till they no longer have to attend.

I don't have all the answers.

I do try my best to really listen and ask what I hope might be the right questions.

Still when it comes to adults.

I don't have any right what so ever to judge how they spent their free time.

I know that I don't want to spent the money playing 36 holes of golf a day or several thousand dollars going on a turkey hunt in Texas.

A good pal of mine is our Council Camping Chair. He was up at camp every week while camp was open visiting 3 or 4 times a week, hanging out talking to the staffers till the small hours, he also staffed two Wood Badge Courses last year, sits on the Council Executive Board, is the Chair of The Holy Name Society in his church, is on the Board of the local Polish club, works full time and seems to work a lot of over-time. He has two daughters, one who was a Venturer for a little while until the Crew folded.

Last year he managed to find time to add a deck to his house and replace the roof on his Dad's house.

His wife has never shown any interest in Scouts or Scouting. They both seem happy doing what they do, they have been married for over 25 years.

People in Scouting will do what they want to do.

Some families will join as a family others will do their own thing.

Her Who Must Be Obeyed never liked kids and said if she was ever a Den Leader that a few less Cub Scouts might be left at the end of a meeting!!

She hates the great outdoors.

Did attend Philmont with me for a week, said it was OK, but never wants to return.

She has organized dinners and been Treasurer.

She met me at a Boy Scout Camp, so I think or like to think she had some idea what she was letting herself in for.

If there is a balance??

Each family must look at what they want to do and what they are happy doing.

My thing was Scouting.

Maybe if it if had been something else I would have spent as much time doing that.

Maybe our relationship was made better because we both had and pursued our own interests?

I really enjoy the time I spent with the youth members and while it might seem selfish I don't want to share it with others.


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