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I am an assistant scout master in so. utah, and we just recieved news that we don't have sufficient funds to go to the local organized scout camp. We decided to organize our own scout camp so that the boys still get a campout, however, here in lies my predicament. We were originally going to offer rewards for the boys that earn the most merit badges at camp, although we will be offering some merit badges, the boys don't have the choice like they would at camp to earn what ever they want. Basically I am loking for help in ideas as to what kind of awards could we offer to the boys at our makeshift camp. Please anyone with Ideas let me know. It would be much appreciated.


Adam Steele troop 1764

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Hi sirens6

Welcome to the forum.

There is a lot of things that I don't understand about your posting!!

I don't understand why the funds aren't there?

Most Troops have the information out about camp ahead of time and the parents are aware of the cost.

Still you are all to be congratulated with coming up with a workable Plan B.

While I'm not trying to be critical or a pain!

I'm not in favor of this "Earn The Most Merit Badge Award"

The award is the merit badge and being recognized.

Merit Badges are earned by the individual Scout, they should be guided by his interests not a race to see who can get the most on a sash.


However to quote Robert W. Service in The Cremation of Sam McGee "A pals last need is a thing to heed, so I swore I would not fail" and

"Now a promise made is a debt unpaid, and the trail has its own stern code.

If someone has made a promise to the Scouts? Not keeping it would be wrong.

A lot of times it's not what you do but the way that you do it!!

Maybe on the last night at camp the SM could let everyone know what a great job everyone did and have a special treat that night- Pizza comes to mind. But a Dutch Oven treat that will only ever be used on the last night of camp could become a Troop tradition.

Someone could run something like a participation award certificate off on their PC. Frames are cheap. Never underestimate the value of a framed certificate. I hand out a lot. The other week I was in one of the Sea Scouts rooms and all of them were there on the wall, I'm not going to say who was next to them or what she was or wasn't wearing!!

A special woggle or neckerchief slide would work. Anyone who has attended the 21st Century Wood Badge course should be able to help you make a few.

Rather than doing something for each individual maybe something for the Patrol. We used a different color necker for our patrol of the month, but you could do something for the patrol. I've never done it but have heard of Troops that have old boots spray painted gold as awards.

I don't go in for cheap pocket knives but the last time I was in our local hardware store they had a lot of inexpensive knives -I don't know about the quality?



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