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University of Scouting Registration

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I have a challenge. I am in charge of ("Dean") the CS leader Pow Wow this year as part of a university of scouting.


We need a simple and effective method of handling walk-in registrations. The classes are of fixed length and offered at specific times. Students choose the classes they will attend. We are closing class sessions once they reach 30 participants.


We used a card system last year with students building their schedules by pulling cards representing available slots. It was chaotic and it took a long time.


I am thinking of trying a system whereby the people processing the registrations will pull the cards to try to simplify things but this will be challenging when classes close out and students have to use alternates.


A software solution would be ideal if it can be had for free and deployed at the university.


Please let me know your input and your advice.


Best regards,


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