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No Recognition for Merit badge Couselors

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I am a registered Merit Badge Counselor in the Balboa Oaks district specializing in Rifle and Shotgun training.


As a counselor I am sure that many other counselors have committed themselves to countless hours of training and educating of scouts to earn their merit badges.


I find it a shame that their is NO RECOGNITION ie: patch or "knot" to recognize those dedicated people who have served the scouting organization as counselors giving up many a weekend and night time to help educate and train scouts in their respective advancement.


I suggest that a MERIT BADGE COUNSELOR PATCH or KNOT be integrated into the recognition program to recognize the valued efforts of these individuals without whom thier would be no way for a scout to earn their merit badges.


Some form of recognition is due to the counselor. I myself conduct 16 hour classroom courses and personally pay for the scouts to learn and earn their Rifle or shotgun merit badges and have given countless courses traveling several miles to a qualified range.


In addition many of us have paid for expensive and time consuming training through private organitations to become more efficient and qualified in our preffered catagory of training.


Shouldnt the BSA recognize our efforts with a counselor Patch or Knot?



Lester Salay

NRA/BSA certified Instructor


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