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Busy day on the board. Need some help coming up with a good theme for our next campout in two weeks. We need timber for some lashing projects for the boys to work on for first class. The local farmer that granted us unconditional use of the "back 40" of his farm has just coincidentlly asked us if we would clear a road (about 10 feet long) on the other side of the troop campsite so he can get to the field behide it. Lots of good size lashing poles in there for towers etc.


I think it would be great opportunity for the boys to use their woods tools skills but also want to impart respect for the trees which we would be harvesting for our joint purpose(farmers and troops). Does anyone have any good SM minutes related to this type of project or web sites?



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I say there, sometimes you have the answer roaming in a thread, why not a Monty Python Search for the Holy Grail? Each of the patrols gets a task, clear this section of the woods and make a tower, another patrol has to make a catapault (or trebucher, I forget the differences). Maybe each patrol makes a catapault with the Senior Boy Leadership making an observation tower to see which patrol catapault can throw the cow farther, or perhaps make the trojan rabbit?


All these ideas need lashing type skills and you say you have the resources, encourage them all to speak in poor english accents (glad Eammon isnt here for this) they can act out their favorite scenes and the meals can have a medeval flair, utensiless cooking, roast a pig over an open fire, something. Bug juice becomes mead, The scouts address everyone as Sire, or m'lord. I could on and on, but I am sure you will get plenty of ideas


On sunday, have a scouts own service focused on the many natural resources we in the united states enjoy. You will be in a farmers field, from the food he grows (Waving fields of grain, to scenic wonders the purple mountains majesty) AND remind them, its not really OUR land, we are just the caretakers for the next generation(This message has been edited by OldGreyEagle)

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