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Starting To Get Hot Under The Collar.

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I really like our DE. Sad to say I became very annoyed and upset with her today. It has been brewing all week and most of it is not her fault. In fact for the most part she is only the messenger.

At the Professional Staff meeting last Friday the Field Director gave all the staff job descriptions for two new volunteer positions that he had came up with. This came from him not the membership committee and until last Friday there wasn't a word of warning. We have no need for these new positions. However the DE doesn't want to upset him and is prepared to just toss him a couple of names to keep him happy.

I am upset as this just is not the way that we do things. We have committees that work hard and we have a system that gets all fouled up when we start tossing in names just to keep people happy.

Then today he has had yet another brain wave. He wants each district to do a popcorn training at the district ice cream social. We have always used the ice cream social as a training for sign up night. He wants someone who is not the district popcorn chair to get trained so that they can present the training. Again this has never been brought up to the Finance committee.

We have a district corn roast which is when we get the greatest attendance of all the units and where we hand out the packets with all the popcorn info. And the Popcorn chair who is a member of the district finance committee goes over all the details. The proposed popcorn training will happen a week after our corn roast when all the units will already have all the stuff. I feel sure that no one will attend. So I suggested to our DE that we cancel the corn roast. She thought that I was joking - I wasn't.When she worked this out she said that we could just toss him yet another name. This upset me. It is not the way to get things done.

Who the heck does this guy think he is.

I will be in the Scout Executives office tomorrow.

We blew our popcorn goal out of the water last year. None of the other Districts even met their goal.

What is wrong with having regular meetings of the committees other then the fact that this guy doesn't want to work at night.

The time to bring up all these new positions was last August or September, so that we could have selected people to do these jobs. Not wait till vacation time.


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