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So you want too to be a Boy Scout Leader?

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Been a lot of talk about Advanced Training here in the forum.

I posted that if we did a better job of teaching the basics, people could build upon them and if they felt the need go and take training's in areas that they might want to specialize in.

I do think that the training's we now offer can prepare a new leader to become a valuable asset to a normal everyday, run of the mill Troop. - Whatever that might be?


Now we are looking at taking parents on Troop camping trips.

I'm wondering what would happen if we asked parents to attend training before we allow them to attend these trips?

If they have the time to go to camp? Surely they have the time to get trained?


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I am a scouting addict. I admit it. I actually made a promise to myself that I would not join a troop as a ASM while I worked supply division, and that lasted 1 week. I love working with youth, love going camping, and just being in the outdoors. So I don't mind the training. I was fortunate in that I copmpleted all the basic training, save Venturing, back in 1998, and I know enough about Venturing to teach the course as I was a DE when it came out and had to learn all the stuff.


Now there are some folks out there who do not have the time or resources to complete all the training. Some of that I lay on the my council and district. On the district level we need more trainers. On the council level, we need to meet more than once/per year AND need to get a schedule of all trainings and post it for people to see. Those are just a few ideas for improving training. They are probably a bunch more out there.


At the minimum, I would mandate YPT, as it's short,sweet to the point, and can be done online.


For adults on a trip, I would give them a breifing before hand that


1) They will be assigned duties as they will be consider part of the Adult or Old Goat Patrol (OGP).

2) They will be doing activities with the OGP, and make sure they are fun and KEEPS THEM OUT OF THE SPL's HAIR.

3) They will be kept busy, busy, busy., agian ti keep them out of the SPL's hair.

4) make sure that they knwo that any questions or concerns they have goes through the ASM or the SM. They are not to have

contact with the scouts until formally trained.


Good luck. I had some good experiences with adults, and I've had a nightmare expereince that I would not put on my worse enemy.


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