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Webelos 4th or 5th?

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Saludos from Puerto Rico:

We started our Pack this month. Because we didn't have a troop in or town, we did not sign boys from 5th grade. Next town is close (20 minutes), but that distance is relative to the parents desire to do something for their kids. And believe it or not, 8 out of 10 will thing is far and away.


Thanks God parents are calling to sign his boys to the pack. Today I receive a call from a 10 year (5th grade). He should be a Webelo2. How bad (or good) would be to take all 4th and 5th grade in Webelos1? This is because in 8 months We will not have the troop ready (I will be very happy to be wrong about this).

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According to Scouting regulations: "Webelos Scouts must have completed third grade but not completed fifth grade or age 10 but not yet 11 1/2." So depending on their age, they can be part of your pack for a while. There is really no difference between a W1 & W2 program other than the age of the boys. Once they earn the Webelos rank, they are all working towards the Arrow of Light and compass points. You might let the older W2s join with the younger ones and then all work on the required activity badges for AOL 1st, before you start in on the additional ones. That way, they will have a chance to be done with the main part of the webelos program (AOL) before they have to move on. They will also form the nucleaus of your new Troop. If they complete Webelos before the troop is organized, they could still join boy scouts as lone scouts, and continue to advance that way. Once your Troop is organized, they could then switch to that. Good luck!




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I know you said that the next town is 20 minutes away and that many parents will decide that's too far. You are probably right. On the other hand, you can still try to build ties to boy scout troops in that town. Some parents will NOT think it is too far. (Plus, as you'll see for Arrow of Light award, there are some things that webelos scouts need to do together WITH a troop so you might as well make those connections.)


Take the 5th graders. Be up-front with their parents that the cub program allows the boys to stay either until they age out or until the end of 5th grade, whichever is later. Visit with your district executive about the possibility of getting a troop going NOW in your town. It doesn't have to be you, necessarily, who starts it as you probably have enough to do with getting the pack up and running.


And congrats to you and the new pack! Here's hoping you have a lot of fun with it.

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For Arrow of Light award purposes, are you able to schedule a den visit to the troop 20 minutes away? Schedule an overnight with them, or a visit to another one of their weekend activities (if they have them)? That would mean a small number of visits over several months, not necessarily a weekly commitment to drive 20 miles.


As far as the 5th grader is concerned, he "ages out" at the end of the school year. Or, as is the case with both of my sons, he may be 11, and "scout eligible", sooner than the end of 5th grade.


There is always the "Lone Scout" option until a troop is started closer to where you live.


All that being said -- and I hope I'm not stepping on toes by saying this, but I am always very sad when I hear of Cubs dropping out and not moving on to Boy Scouts. They're missing the big payoff!



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