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I apologize for not responding sooner, I had to leave town on short notice for a family emergency.


I believe your best course of action is to help your troop become a true boy-led organization. I understand that your concern is with the low attendance at camporees, but that is only a symptom of your troops problem. The actual problem is your troop is not boy-led. You have a vested interest in getting them back on track simply because you're a member of the troop. However it is even more imperative since you are a troop guide (member of the PLC) and a leader/mentor to the new Scout patrol.


Heres what I recommend:


1. Approach the SPL and other members of the PLC to discuss the need to hold monthly PLC meetings. Help them to understand the concept of a boy-led troop and the need for them to take on the responsibility of planning/deciding on the troops activities. For help with this, review the applicable sections of the Senior Patrol Leader Handbook or the Patrol Leader Handbook. If you or your troop does not have these, make a recommendation to your troop Librarian that they be purchased.


2. If that doesnt work, speak with your Scoutmaster and ask his advice on how to energize the PLC. Remember your concern here is to help the Scouts in your troop become better leaders, not to increase attendance at council events -- thats a worthy goal, but first things first.


3. If neither of those approaches work, try enlisting the assistance of another adult in the troop, or perhaps in your OA lodge.


Remember all of the above should be done in a non-confrontational manner. Just an honest, respectful discussion on what you can do to help the Scouts in your troop to become better leaders.


One final point to remember: your camporee attendance may not improve even when your troop is truly boy-led, but at least it will be the decision of the Scouts.


I hope this helps. Please keep us updated on your progress and dont hesitate to ask more questions.


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Sounds like a good plan of action. This week we are holding troop elections for SPL, and it looks like a good time to get our boy-led method energized with the newly elected youth leadership. I shall keep you posted on the outcome. By the way, we held our camporee this weekend and all the attending troops had a blast!

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