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Selecting High Adventure Destinations

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At our program planning PLC meeting I offer the PLC what the alternatives are. Where we have been before, the BSA bases, new ideas I have heard of, and ask for suggestions. I give them needed information such as duration of the trip, weeks available, cost, age restrictions, what activities there are, transportation, and if any of us have been there before, our opinions. We then let them hash it out and come up with a consensus. It's then taken to the Troop Committee for final approval. This seems to work well, as we have had a popular High Adventure trip each year for the last 25+ years.

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Part of our annual planning process - each Patrol comes up with a dozen trip ideas (typically 2-3 are high adventure type). Scoutmaster Staff offers up alternatives for list as well. As a result, PLC usually has about a dozen ideas to choose from. Typically, the high-adventure trips are planned for on a rolling two year schedule.

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We have a PLC Retreat twice for planning purposes.


The first is for high adventure planning, the second for the regular weekend programs.


We survey what the boys are interested in and have each patrol do their own planning conferences.


At the troop PLC retreat each patrol leader should have a plan of what his patrol proposes for the year.


Like others have mentioned, we have a catalog of past high adventure trips, we use a proposal form so anyone can propose a trip, and the boys discuss and hash out their ideas to come to some form of concensus.


We usually do a couple high adventures each year and have a few mini-tours (which are more than a weekend, but less than a full high adventure program).


We tend to do a lot of troop sponsored programs which become much less expensive than national bases or council sponsored programs.


Here are some high adventures we've done in the past...





Cliff Golden

Scoutmaster Troop 33

DeKalb, Illinois

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Our Hawaii trip took place in June 2004 and lasted 11 days at a cost of $1150 inclusive of all expenses. The boys only needed souvenir money, everything else was included.


We flew out of Chicago via ATA (America Trans Air) stopping briefly in San Fransisco going out and L.A. coming back.


We stayed at a military housing community center for 3 nights, Camp Pupakea 2 nights, and Camp Mahulia 3 nights, a hotel in Waikiki 1 night, and our last night on the airplane.


Camp Pupakea (Aloha Council BSA)



Camp Mahulia (Maui County Council BSA)



The boys wanted to visit two islands and chose Oahu and Maui.


Our budget/person, roughly off the top of my head...


607.00 Airfare Chicago-Hawaii

146.00 Airfare Oahu-Maui

107.00 Rental cars, fuel, parking

80.00 Lodging

140.00 Food

70.00 Activities


1150.00 Total per/person


Our activities mostly included ocean beaches and hiking, which are free. We were careful with our activity costs. Our food budget used a combination of restaurant and self prepared meals.


One of the Hawaiian troops we worked with was Troop 664. Here is a link to their website.




There are some photos of our visit with them and an additional link with my description of our trip. They were a fantastic group of Scouts to work with! They treated us to a fantastic traditional Luau.


Also troop 189 of Honolulu hosted us at their community center and one of their Eagle Scouts acted as our tour guide for a couple days, teaching us to surf at a beach.


We had a fantastic experience Scouting in paradise!!!



Cliff Golden

Scoutmaster Troop 33

DeKalb, Illinois

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