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Philmont - how to select adults?

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Use objective criteria to select adults. This avoids having the selection team make the choices; instead the selection is made by the criteria. Those that dont satisfy the criteria can put on a waiting list. I would personally object to luck-of-the-draw having any part of the selection process.


It should be made known that those adults that are first selected are only provisionally selected. They must attend and complete several required training hikes. The crew will hike or drag along the trail at the rate of the slowest individual. Our crew this year had one adult that was not physically prepared. He was in agony for ten days desperately trying not to slow down the crew. We missed some program activities because of arriving into camp late.


Some criteria Id use, in no particular order:

CPR / first aid certification (required for at least 1 crew member)

Youth Protection training

signed up first

paid first

previously attended (preference to newbies)

trained registered leader

number of miles successfully backpacked in the previous year


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I appreciated all of your input on this one and thought I'd give an update on how we finally did it.


Formed panel consisting of myself, SM, CC and one CM.

We met and rank-ordered Adults based on these criteria:


1. Philmont is NOT a father-son activity. Selections will be based on who can best support and enhance the program for the boys.


2. Priority given to adults who have been actively supporting troop high-adventure program. (This did generate some controversy - we have one active young adult with no son in the troop, but he has lots of high-adventure experience and a GREAT attitude.)


3. Level of participation in the troop program, especially the camping program.


4. Fitness level.


5. Attitude


6. Some consideration given to son's age. In other words, will this dad be around for a few more years so he can continue to support the troop program with his experience?


With a bit of debate, we formed a list and have rank ordered the adults on waiting list.


I called all adults to let them know where they stand. For the first 5 on the waiting list, I told them their position -- they really must to be ready to step in because the likelihood of needing them is high. For the guys lower on the list, I didn't embarrass them by telling them where they lined up and none of them asked. The rank-ordered list will never be posted.

I encouraged all of them to come on our shakedown hikes to enjoy the experience and so they'll be ready if they're serious. Later, after we break into our 3 crews, we'll have the Standby folks function as a separate crew so the Philmont-bound ones can get used to working together.


So far, so good. Thanks again!



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