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The Sport of Recreational Knife and Tomahawk Throwing

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My name is Scott Gracia. I have been throwing knives and hawks for about 6 yrs and recently gave my first "workshop" on how to throw knives and 'hawks to my friends scout group.


His 10yr old son has been a scout for a few years and he has been a "den leader" for about the same amount of time.


Anyway, they loved it! I did a few demonstration throws and went over the basics about safety, how to hold the "throwers", release and follow through and then I let everyone come up one at a time and try it. There were 10 boys total and three parents. They all tried throwing the knives and they did great!


Its a little intimidating at first, but once they a stuck one knife... you could see the spark in their eyes as their confidence grew.


As long as a few safety guidelines are followed, the sport of recreational knife and tomahawk throwing is just as safe as archery. Professional throwing knives are not sharp at all, they just have a point on them.


Its also a great way to spend time with your kids. Its exciting and new which is just what you need for a great hobby.


Well, thats about it... I just wanted to spread the word a bit about this new sport/hobby and hopefully give a few people some ideas of fun things to do with their troop!


If I can be of any help at all please feel free to email me anytime! I'm more than happy to help :)


Best Regards


Scott Gracia





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