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Posts posted by draks89

  1. Sandy,


    We have a pack of about 30 boys in a small town of about 1500. I am the Cubmaster for our Pack and I don't get too picky with the rules. Most of the boys eventually come by my house to have their cars cut out and end up painting them there and I end up putting on the wheels. So I have not only inspected them I also help them build them. This arrangement usually works well except my son's car in not done until the day before the race because I have been busy with everyone's cars. He doesn't mind because I set aside one evening to work on his. Since we are in a small town we make the PWD a community event. We sell hot dogs and such as a fund raiser at the race. I usually have the 4 classes for the cub scouts and an open class for everyone else. I searched the internet and found a chart system that works for us low tech types. Here is the web address http://members.aol.com/standcmr/ppngen.html Overall everyone has a good time and are not that competitive. This year we had a test and tune the night before. We let the boys send their cars down the track all evening. I figured they bought the track they might as well use it. We are fairly informal and just have a good time.

  2. Our Pack bought the "Stock Car" kits and used them this year. The main reason was price. The offical kit was something like $3.95 the stock car kits were $2.50. So we bought the stock car kits. These kits are exactly like the others except you get a plastic body, stickers paints and a brush. More for less!! Some of the boys used the bodies and some just used the wood block and cut their own design. We still used the 5 ounce max. weight. We are not that picky on the rules except for the weight and using the kit. Worked out just fine.

  3. I (okay my wife) contacted a local bike shop. The staff of the shop set up and put on the roedo for our join us night. We also combined with the local boy scout and girl scout troops. It worked out very well.

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