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Posts posted by djackson019

  1. I am a Scoutmaster that is seeking advice from Cub Scouters on the following issue.


    We have a Webelo that is interested in crossing over to our Troop as of turning age 10-1/2 and earning his Arrow of Light. His father has indicated that he has completed ALL of the requirements to earn his Arrow of Light. (According to the father) His Den Leader has indicated that he will not award the Arrow of Light because the Scout was not active DURING THE MONTH OF MAY. In that month, the father has indicated that the Scout attended one den meeting, one Pack meeting and two of our Troop meetings. The Den Leader has stated that he will award the Arrow of Light if the Scout participates until November when his son will turn 10-1/2 and will cross over to another Troop. It's our understanding that the Den has completed all of the requirements for the Arrow of Light together. So they will not be working on achievements toward this award between now and November. It's our understanding that the Den leader will be teaching 1st year Boy Scout skills.


    We can not appeal to the Cubmaster as the past Cubmaster stepped down in May (and joined our Troop) and the Den Leader took over the Cubmaster role.


    We would like to award the Scout with the Arrow of Light, but don't have a written record of his having competed the requirements.


    I would love any suggestions on handling this sticky situation.

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