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Posts posted by 1963Eagle

  1. When I started this I was concerned that I'd be "recognized" and "outed" for opposing the SE. (Like that would be a surprise to HIM!) Allow me to give some specifics.


    We have had NO District Chairman for 16 months (the previous chairman was weak) effectively we have NO District Committee. A good meeting would be 5 in attendance (2 SMs, 1 CM are regulars). In that same time period we have had THREE DEs. The latest one having never been a Scout/Scouter and still trying to figure out who has what roles.

    The folks that want to restore the District are: 1. A retired military person, who is also a retired business man and has almost 50 years in Scouting. 2. A retired factory worker who has 30+ years in Scouting.


    They are aware of the commitment of SMs and CMs, but no one else has stepped forward to take the reins! FINALLY the SE sets up a "nominating committee" made up of non-scouters and former Scouters who are his friends. A "nomination form" goes to ALL District Committee members. FEW nominations come in, the two mentioned SMs are mentione several times. The SE informs the nominating committee that he "doesn't want SMs or CMs to serve in any Chair" these names are never presented to the District Committee, in fact they are not even given to the entire nominating committee!

    The "Slate" is presented as if to say "This is who you WILL have as your chairs" and we see names of people most have never heard of.


    I hope I have been clear here. Yes, I have a vested interest. BUT, as a retiree I have FAR more time available for working with Scouting than the average person does. I have the resources for my troop to run as smoothly with me gone as with me present. The CO insists that they want me to STAY as SM, if only for the expertise. Yet I have far more time to give. I have been asked to chair countless projects and events, and been successful wth everyone, yet I am told "As an SM you are too busy to hold a District Chair"


    OK, those are the facts as I see them. The istrict is all but dead, and the SE refuses to allow experienced Scouters to take the reins and try to revive it.


    (Note to Eagle92: The SE approve my application a LONG time ago, one does not fill out a new application when moving into an additional seat.)


  2. Can anyone tell me the precedent for the ruling by our SE that "NO SM or CM can serve on the District Committee in a Chairman role"? Seems to me that the District Committee should decide who serves in what positions, not the SE. AM I off base here? Is there a rule I don't know of (I am sure there are lots of them, but this is the one I am concerned of today) Are there other Councils that have similar SE rulings?



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