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Posts posted by deaker

  1. Thanks everyone for your thoughts although the thread seemed to run a little off course most likely due to how I phrased my original posting. I've been involved in various trainings and district-wide activities. Our council conducts 3 full WB courses locally each year plus a 4th at Philmont. They have I believe 4 NYLT courses this summer plus a winter and spring break course as well.


    At the recent WB reunion for the council and district roundtables, they have made a call out for people interested in staffing WB or NYLT.


    I firmly believe what Moosetracker said: "So yes, WB staffing can also be used as a tool to hone the skills of the Staff members also.. It is stated, and I am already seeing this as true.. You are introduced the lessons of Woodbadge as a participant, but as a staffer you have the time to really learn the lessons and put them into practice."


    Given that I would like to serve and they are activly asking people to express their interest, I am considering how and when I could serve in this way. I had not thought of serving on NYLT staff before the adult-course director (I believe all the title's have now changed again so I'm not sure what they are using now) for this summer's NYLT explicitly suggested that anyone considering staffing WB may prefer NYLT where adult volunteers are less plentiful as it's just not thought of as much.


    But from what I gather from you all, is that staffing NYLT should I be offered such an opportunity to serve may be best delayed a few years until I have been involved directly with my children at the troop level. I can accept this, but its not dissimilar from the old-school perspective that WB was for seasoned leaders, which they have tried to dispell so that the WB message and tools can be imparted at an earlier stage in a BSA leaders "career".


    In any event, thank you for your thoughts.


  2. I'm considering volunteering to staff either nylt or wood badge. Having never attended nylt, I know little about it other than obvious: youth vs adult participants.


    My oldest son is currently a webelos. I've been den leader and cubmaster. I'm leaning toward nylt as the exposure to the boy scout program "of the right sort" seems to be something that will make me a better leader for my unit and especially when I go up with my sons into troop.





    I used to be a bear......

  3. Over the weekend, I was told by someone who is generally quite knowledgeable that somewhere (gss perhaps but the source couldn't be cited) there is a prohibition on packs camping as a unit more than twice per year. Having previously taught BALOO and just knowing what I know of BSA this seems insane. Anyone know anything about such? I'd always heard and been taught to ensure we camped a minimum of twice a year as a pack.


    If anyone has information feel free to email me directly as I would hate to miss such a rule if it exist.





    I used to be a bear......


    Cubmaster pack 386

  4. Thanks for your thoughts. We are having Wood Badge this coming January and February. But being in Texas, this may be summer weather for some of you from other parts of the country or in the low 20's. It could really go either way.


    My musings are likly more esoteric than any worth actually pondering. Seems the answer is that one may wear any jacket they want over their uniform and still be "official" and properly uniformed. It is only when the scouter chooses to wear one of the official jackets that the additional requirements of the insignia guide kick in.


    If the cold weather comes in, Ii guess we will all just be wearing whatever cold weather gear we each have. Choosing warmth over uniformity.


    Thanks again.



  5. Everyone seems to agree that the red wool jacket is "uniform wear" govered by the insignia guide. Therefore, when worn, the jacket needs to conform with the official guidelines.


    But my question is this: since there is an official jacket, is one out of uniform if they are wearing an "unofficial" jacket? Because there is an official jacket for uniform wear, is one out of uniform if wearing any other jacket with their uniform?


    I'm seeking the answer in the context of what is technically proper for Wood Badge type "fully uniformed" events. I recocognize the temperance that reality should bring to such matters -- If it is 20 degrees, I am going to stay warm rather than official. But what is the "correct answer"?





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