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d task den leader

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Posts posted by d task den leader

  1. Hi, Looking at the Foresty Activity Pin. The first requirement is to draw the major forest types on a mape of the United States. Does anyone know were I can find a good map. The one in the book seems a little vauge on details. Looking for something bigger that can be hung on a wall or better yet be made out of wood.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion. Madkins007 - I forgot the pump drill. Maybe next year I will have the boys make there own. This year they are going to be predrilled of the boys are going to make were to drill then someone will do the drilling.

  3. I've been a den leader for two years now and this summer I find myself the woodshop director at Cub Scout day-camp. It is the first time doing this, so I got some what I thought were easy projects for the boys to do, only to run into questions about the conflict with the Guide lines to safe Scouting and the Webelos hand book over the use of powertools. I think I got this year worked out but would like to know were others have found hand tools especially the hand drill. I just can not find them anymore. I found a brace and bit that I bought but at $40.00 council is not going to buy many if any of them. I found egg-beater drills on the net but they are going for $25-$30 again out of reach. Will be gratefull for any help.

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