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Posts posted by csnider

  1. I thank everyone one and all. I also wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas!!!


    I think I have enough to go on for now. Although I am somewhat sad about his loss in interest in the troop, I am glad that he still wants to pursue it through a Venture crew. I will try to contact the head guy. I myself will be continuiun my role in our troop as my nephew is in it, as well as I'm an ASM as well as the District MB Dean.


    Thank you again!


  2. Ok, I'm the one who posted the original question. I too an an ASM in the original troop. My son (currently at Life) is somewhat disenchanted with the troop mostly because of the age and maturity of the troop. The last thing I want to do is force him to stay with the troop. He appears to be pretty interested in this other venturing troop, which is encouraging. If I had my druthers and he can advance to eagle at the venturing unit, I'm leaning to let him do it. I'd rather have him be happy and want to do it because he wants to be there. In addition, it might be hard to add this along with the troop because of his schedule.


    As to his mb's, there are only 2 or 3 of his eagle req'd mb's left and all would be on his own time. The last thing outside of that is the eagle project, which he's just started the process.

  3. My son (16.5) has hit that magic age where his interests have started changing. He's become disinterested in our troop and wants to join a venturing group. I am not that familiar with venturing other than mostly older boys are in it. Our troop has a high amount of young boys. If he leaves our troop and joins the venturing group, does it work the same way? Can he still complete his remaining mb's, do his eagle project and make eagle. He's so close!




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