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Posts posted by CSMom

  1. We have a scout in our pack who has behaviorial issues. According to our CC, he does not pay attention, does not listen and is rowdy. I have not noticed the issues personally, as he is not part of our den. Our CC is saying that we should require a parent to be in attendance at all outings with him. Is this acceptable? Can we say one certain scout has to have a parent, but the others don't?

  2. Thanks. This makes sense. I guess our biggest problem is that the women on our PC like to stretch things out and be very "PC" about everything. They over-analyze everything and because of it, nothing in our pack right now is fun. We dread meetings and any communication with our CC. My husband has passed on his info/suggestions and I guess we will just wait and see.


    BeginnerScout-I wish my husband could do that with our CC. Last year someone tried to help our CM out and our CC felt they were "taking over" had them kicked out of the pack. Their family is not welcome and because of our CC's positions in other community organizations (mostly PTO), they have taken their children out of most school related activities as to avoid contact with our CC.

  3. Ok, we are new to this. Our pack has not followed the rules in the past and has just been mainly go with the flow. There has not been much planing and they normally take the summer off.


    My husband is a Cubmaster and we are trying to get our summertime program worked out to give to the boys. Our CC is too busy with other stuff and wants to focus our next PC/Ldr mtg on the summertime program. How does your pack come up with a summertime program? Does the PC vote/decide on it or does or someone complete a calendar and the PC approves? The leadership roles for CC and CM are very vague and seem to cross. My husband feels that planning the program is his role as CM and then he must run past CC/PC to be sure it meets CO guidelines, but not that he has to have their approval on which activities to choose. Our CC believes she is the ultimate voice in what happens. So, how does your pack come up with a summertime program?

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