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Posts posted by crafty4mom

  1. Thank you all for your posts. I am a teacher and am always trying to bring kids up to a higher level of having a positive attitude but I need to be more specific with the discipline side of this. I am not trying to put my husband in as Scoutmaster in fact I would prefer not to. We have a group of boys whom their parents choose to come to the meeting, sit in the back of the room, choose not to be involved, and they start bashing on the boys' who are what they consider "trouble makers" which these boys are not trouble makers, they just need more guidance then other boys because they are ADHD/ADD.

    Our discipline plan is very leinent as far as punishment there is NO negative punishment it is all positive. What we have is for each issue that comes to the committee, they write up a plan which has to be positive plan to help the scout in a positive way. This has really helped a lot of our scouts that have made poor choices. The committee by NO MEANS is out to get anyone. It took many hours of looking at other troops plans, talking to social workers, princpals at the local schools, District people to make sure that this was a positive plan and would encourage the boys to stay in and continue on the path to Eagle.

    What has happen is that the parents that sit in the back that bash other scouts feel that the discipline committee is unnecessary. But when their son, has to go and talk with the discipline committee, those parents are expected to come talk to the discipline committee at the same time. We have had some real serious issues that the Scoutmaster refuses to deal with and the prior troop chairperson also did not want to deal with so the committee was formed due to these two people not wanting to help guide the boys' in a positive way. They chose to just let it go and do nothing and there were parents that were pulling their son's out to go to other troops and this troop was almost to the point of collapsing and I was not going to allow my sons to be in a troop that was going to collapse.

    The Scoutmaster that we have right now that I am speaking of does not want to do this position anymore but there are NO other parents that will step up and take over. When you have a Scoutmaster who does not care and it is showing through to the boys and the boys are picking up on it and running wild because of this then something needs to be done. There is no other objective here except to have the best boy run troop that we can have in the utmost positive atmosphere.

  2. I have heard that a husband can not be a scoutmaster if his wife is troop committee chair, is this correct? I have not been able to find any where that says this is not so. What I have found is that there are problems with husband/wife teams, but what those are I do not know.

    Our troop is in need of a new scoutmaster and my husband is willing to take this role on. The current scoutmaster is becoming very difficult for everyone to work with and does not want to be a disciplinary type person but believes that he should be a "friend" to the scout, so there is a trust between scoutmaster and scout. Many of the adults feel this is wrong as the scoutmaster is in this position to help guide the boys but also teach them right from wrong which we feel is a disciplinary type action. We are having quite a alot of serious issues with some of the boys and the scoutmaster will not deal with them so then it is up to our discipline committee to deal with these. This committee was setup specifically because our scoutmaster did not want to deal with any disciplinary issues.

    We as a committee are looking at possibly replacing this scoutmaster with a new one but the only person who has step forward is my husband and I am the troop committee chair so is this a conflict or not? I need some help in trying to figure out if a husband can be the scoutmaster and the wife can still be troop committee chair. Is there anyone out there that has experience with this and would not mind sharing your experiences. Thank you for your help.

  3. I am new to this forum thing. I just recently became troop committee chair for our troop. I have two boys in Boy Scouts and a daughter in Girl Scouts and one more daughter not yet old enough to join, so we are a scouting family. I am always looking for information as questions come up and sometimes I do not have the answers so, I do some research to find those answers and this looks like a great place to find some! I am really excited about this forum and getting some answers.

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