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Everything posted by Comitteemom

  1. To reply to request for details re-safety concerns, they seem to center on one incident in which the boy was discovered with a drawing he'd made depicting violence against an authority figure (not a leader, if that matters)at a campout, and various verbal incidents that I don't have specifics on, but leaders report they occured on a regular basis and were of a violent, threatening nature against other boys... To update on the situation (and thank all again for their input) Committee and adult leadership decided that they could not/would want to approve this boy's membership application
  2. Thanks to all who've responded to my message; your information has been most helpful. Seems we need our COR to weigh in, especially since our CO is the church to which the boy's parent (formerly parents; one now not particularly in the picture) belongs. So obviously, we have some complicating factors that will play into this; particularly the decision of whether to give a boy whose been through a lot over the past 2 years another chance in the spirit of Scouting, or whether the serious nature of safety concerns must prevail for the welfare of the Troop. The question of why the boy wants to com
  3. Would appreciate input re- Troop situation that's proven to be a hot potato. A boy formerly with our Troop would like to re-join, but some leaders have serious concerns, given a past history of disruptive and potentially-dangerous behavior (including verbal threats against others). The boy left the troop of his own accord 18 months ago, then recently approached Committee Chair and Scoutmaster about re-joining. Several assistant Scoutmasters are vehemently opposed to this, citing above history , lack of parental involvement and attention to such incidents, and bottom-line safety concerns for
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