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Posts posted by COBRASPL

  1. We have a new patrol of boys just from webeolos. They do not stay focused very long and have attendinse to do things like play with knives and make sharp sticks. Not a good Combo... Also there is a lack of there parents wanting to help so parents that have helped with there boys patrol are now having to work with the new patrol and not with their son...

    I will be checking on this for replys


  2. I like the games but our troop doesnt have colered tile... I guess we could make some... But with the game i dont understand how to pull the rope out of the pocket with your feet with out falling over... well thanks for the suggestions.



  3. Hi at our trop meatings we usaully have a game or activity...

    It seems like it is usaully basketball or kickball or some sport.. I have been trying to gather more activitys or games to play particuly outside but inside too...Our troop knows alot about knots, compass and first aid... If anyone knows some good games or activitys that the boys would be interested in send me an email...





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