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Everything posted by pbcheesehead

  1. I did mean "will". Also, the COR has a Scout in the Troop - his 3rd. in-fact. He was only sporadically involved previously (MBC, pull trailer), but has served as COR for 4 years, although he did not voice any concerns the first 3 years as COR. I've been involved for 6 years, the first 5 of which I really enjoyed. It is frustrating that Council seems to accept his narrative without question or follow-up. The Scouting community is small, and we are worried that the "chatter" at district and council level will hurt us in recruitment, especially over the next few years while dealing with the
  2. That is a question I have as well since the old CO has signed signed the Unit's release. However, the paperwork was not processed by Council. The prevailing thought is that the (old) COR is driving the narrative at Council and Council with appoint the same individual as the rep once the Council Charter paperwork is completed.
  3. Can the Council require a Unit to be Chartered under the Council and execute a facility use agreement with the previous CO? Backstory - The local Council notified units in July that the Catholic Diocese elected not to continue Chartering Units. Our troop formed a subcommittee, chose another Church (Lutheran) who has a history with Scouting units The Church previously had a Troop that folded, and currently is the CO for a Troop that moved to them when the Methodist Church elected not to continue as COs. That Troop still meets at the Methodist Church. Our plan was to meet at the new C
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