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Posts posted by CaIE322

  1. Basementdweller may be the closest to sharing my situation. Booting the kids from cub scouts as short ridge suggests does not do anyone any good. By documenting behavior and using that documentation as a tool for discussion, we can help the scout to better himself. I agree with the use of the Law of the Pack, the pillars, and other edicts of scouting as standards by which scout behavior should be measured. I agree with the involvement of parents. Unfortunately in many cases they are no better than the children from which these problems arise. In a perfect world, an ideal setting, maybe 30 years ago, all of these suggestions might work. But today, in my situation, with the parents and kids that I have right now, I need a discipline policy and documentation. I like the idea of having the scouts create it and I think I will do that. I will lead by example and "do my duty, to God and my country, to help other people, and to obey the law of the pack."


    BTW ScoutNut your comment "CalE322, might I suggest that you take some BSA training to understand what Scouting is all about." Did not see anything about any of this in the FastStart, Webelos Den Leader, or Youth Safety. I assume you have a suggestion?


    Thanks to all for the thoughtful posts,

  2. Thanks ScoutNut these are great ideas. I will use them. I wholly agree with everything you have said...especially,"Get the Scouts invested in acting like Scouts and the parents invested in helping their kids grow." However, I still like the idea of having a discipline record. It mimics what they will face at school and at their future employment. I believe it teaches accountability which could be perceived as part of the "character" pillar.


    Basementdweller, have you seen our pack or something? Parents just watch their little darlings smart off to adults and manhandle other kids. I'm not old enough to have enough perspective on this but it would appear that there is a real widespread lack of parenting happening these days that was not there when I was a kid.


    Anyway, thanks for the advice. This will help a lot. Take care.

  3. Hi Everyone,


    I'm new to scouting and this forum. The pack that I am volunteering with has discipline issues. I need some examples of progressive discipline policies and measures as well as parent signature forms and discipline logs. The information should be pertinent to tiger cub through second year webelos. I want the kids to have fun...but the right kind of fun...if you know what I mean.


    Thanks in advance for any help you can lend.


    -Rich Becker

    Webelos Den Leader

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