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Posts posted by ourlordbadenpowell

  1. If only national would ever ask the "boots on the ground" how things REALLY work, they might avoid mucking things up as often as they do.


    Thanks for trying to make something great with the barriers you have before you. Wish you success.

    The sentiment is at times too true, but one of the most interesting things about the SBR is that it functions as a laboratory for national to try out new things with the program.

    On-topic for this thread, I was not surprised to hear the coed news when it happened. The Summit is run as a fully coed facility and program and it works without conflict.

  2. As a former employee of the Summit Bechtel Reserve, I would like to clear up some misconceptions about the property.

    The SBR is built to hold jamborees first, high adventure second, and scout camp third. The staff who work there are in a difficult position, needing to provide an experience on par with the other high adventure bases without the benefit of the "script" of tradition. Further, capital improvements to the site are governed by the needs of jambo. Everything is built to hold jambo, but also work for HA, etc. This makes the camp feel empty every week, as the facility does not scale nearly as well as national thinks it does. What I can say is that the summer programs grow by leaps and bounds every summer. The staff is dedicated to improving the experience and the facilities are truly world class. I'd be happy to answer any questions about it.

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