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Posts posted by GoingTheDistance

  1. In response to the information given to me-

    I do not know if the boy has any (trained) scout titles other than boy scout. 

    During the tin roof situation, the boys were playing together nearby when suddenly they jolted into the woods. I was setting up a tent when I saw them run off and I asked the adult leaders what the boys were doing, they said going on a hike. I asked who was going with them, they said,  "the den leaders son, it's okay, he's a boy scout." I then ran off to join them.

    The cub scout's age ranges are 7-10. The latest occurrence involved the 12 yr old boy scout monitoring 8 cub scouts, 1 cub being prone to seizures and 2 cubs struggling with mental disorders that sometimes involve violent physical outbursts. The boys were sent to a gym approximately 300 ft from the room the parents were. Although not a major distance, I still joined the boys. The boy scout in no way had control, they were to play kickball, instead they were running full speed up, down, and under the bleachers. I asked the boys to stop, they wouldn't. I took my son and we left. 

    Thank you for the invite. My son loves the idea of being a boy scout, and I want him to have a great experience... there's just several incidents to have occured that's left me baffled and unsure if this is the right program for him. 

  2. I am new to the scouts, please excuse any incorrect terminology. A den leader keeps having her 12 year old boy scout watch over a group of cub scouts as they venture off to areas non-visible to adults. Two parents told the leader they were uncomfortable for a child to be responsible for a group of children. The leader's response was that the boy (her son) was a boy scout so it's fine. This is unacceptable to me, so I always tag along with the boys. One time the boys went on a hike and found a large piece of rusty tin roof, a few boys (including the 12 yr old boyscout) began to jump and run on it, I explained to them that what they were doing was dangerous, only the boy scout refused to listen and kept jumping. I tried to read the age appropriate guidelines, I can't find the answer to my question- is it acceptable for a boy scout to monitor a group of cub scouts with no adult supervision? If anyone could answer this, I'd very much appreciate it.

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