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Buffalo Bruce

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Posts posted by Buffalo Bruce

  1. ""An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth soon we are all blind and toothless." Tevia from Fidler on the Roof." - Paul


    Actually, Paul, I believe that would be Mahatma Ghandi, though I'm sure they stole it for "Fiddler" :)


    It does refer to violence. Withdrawing funds from

    a bank would in fact be a non-violent means of protest acceptable even to the Mahatma.


    Years ago, there was a big flap when Levi's, R.E.I. and one of the big software companies (Lotus)withdrew their support form scouting over the no-gay-leaders issue. A lot of people stopped buying Levi's and Brittania clothing.


    Levi's, Lotus, R.E.I. (go figure! - they sell camping equipment!) and the HSBC(?) bank have a perfect right to not support an organization with which they disagree. Members of that organization have a perfect right to stop patronizing those businesses. All of that is right, fair, and non-violent. It accords with the principle that a scout is obedient - even if he differs with the laws - or rules, or business practices - he tries to change them in a positive way.


    Both the Bank and the County have acted correctly, IMHO - both have stuck to their principles. Hooray for both sides.


    Time will tell how this issue is finally resolved - as it will be - in our country. So long as we're talking, and not shooting, everybody is setting a good example:)



  2. Hmmmm - oddly interesting thread. One thing fascinating about it is that is has drawn a lot more attention that threads in which, for instance, new leaders are seeking program help :)


    Many scouts I have known in the O.A., especially the dance team, have had their ears pierced to wear more authentic dance regalia. Does that strike anyone as anti-social?


    I found the Catholic Church item interesting. Was it meant to imply that Protestant churches don't care if scouts impregnate their girl friends? Does anyone think that the way two teens DEAL with making a mistake like that is at least as important as making it in the first place? There are in fact honorable ways to handle unwanted pregnancies. Even for us Catholics :)


    RE: statutory rape, in most states there has to be a significant (e.g. 7 years or more) age difference before it can be prosecuted.


    I have raised 4 Eagle Scout sons. All have had some minor way to rebel, like hair, music, etc., and that is a normal and necessary part of growing up and finding out who you are. I never felt it was important as long as they stayed true to the important values - like honesty, fairness, decency, etc. I don't care if a young gentleman has his ear pierced or his hair orange (and I've had scouts with both) so long as he tells the truth, helps his community, respects his elders, and obeys the laws of the land. Focu on what's important.


    I had my own ear pierced at age 26, well over 25 years ago, and I think I'm a pretty nice guy. At least that's what I hear all the time. Seems to me

    that making a mountain out of this particular mole hill says more about personal insecurity than anything else. It takes courage to let other people be different without feeling the need to condemn them for it. A scout is brave.


    My two cents.

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