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Posts posted by cubmom07

  1. As we start a new school year, I'm in desperate need of advice for handling a group of disrespectful Webelos 1s. The issues we have are:


    1. They talk and goof off during Pack Meetings while the other Dens are receiving their loops or pins. I have had these boys roll their eyes at me and act like they don't hear me every single time when I ask them to stop. I've spoken to them about showing respect for the hard work the other boys have completed and even asked how they would feel if the entire room was talking while they were up front receiving their pins. No luck. They even did this during our flag retirement while the Cubmaster was speaking to the entire group about the importance of the ceremony. Parents? Completely oblivious and of no help at all. 


    2. There have been several instances of hitting and/or fighting and every time these boys are involved in some way. One boy in particular seems to be the main problem with this situation. He has been counseled, talked to, etc, but he acts as though he thinks the leaders are idiots and he doesn't have to follow our rules. He replies in sarcastic tones and with a completely bored look on his face. 


    3. They completely disregard requests from Pack leaders. An example (just one - attitudes like this are unfortunately all too common): Following our recent recruiting event, 3 of these boys were asked to take the trash can over to the dumpster, empty the can into it and return the can to its normal indoor place. Not an unreasonable request, right? Their initial response was "I don't touch garbage." When they were pretty much forced into helping, they emptied the can and all but one boy started walking off. When the other two were told to come back because the first one needed a buddy to help return the trash can inside, they looked back at me with blank expressions, turned around and continued walking off. At this point, I'll admit it - I lost it. I yelled at them to get back here and asked why they think its OK to ignore me. I get a lame "we were debating who was going to come back and help" which didn't help my state of mind. I told them to no uncertain terms that this wasn't something that should need debate - if someone needs help, they are expected to get over there and do it. Period. 


    This group of boys has seriously made me question why I'm even involved in the Pack. They make me dread going to meeting and events because I'm the only adult that seems to care about their horrible behavior.  I've truly enjoyed being a part of something my son enjoys so much, but so many of the parents in our Pack completely "check out" upon arrival at an event or meeting that its difficult to know what to do. Thankfully, my son will cross over in the Spring and we won't have to deal with any of this in about 9 months, but I would like the next months to be a better experience. My son has told me on numerous occasions that he can't believe how these boys act and that he's embarrassed to be around them. Den meeting are safe from them as my son is Arrow of Light, but we have a great deal of activities involving the entire Pack and I want to make things better this Fall. I just don't know how to begin. Any helpful suggestions would be extremely welcome. Thanks in advance!!!



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