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Noah Treadway

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Posts posted by Noah Treadway

  1. Hello I am a life scout currently starting my eagle project. about a year ago one of our scouts had a eagle project that had multi bull problems with it. his eagle mentor that for the sake of privacy will be named Mrs.P. Mrs.P is an extraordinary mentor boasting a silver acorn award, along with ten eagle mentor pins. over the years Mrs.P has learned that to most effectively help a scout on the road to eagle, she needs to tell them the facts and give them her direct opinion. this can leave a scout that just met her feeling like he just got yelled at. the scout that was mentioned above transferred from one troop to ours and started his eagle not to shortly after. because of the short time He and Mrs.P had to get antiquated before she became his mentor, and the unfortunate mistakes that happened at his eagle project Mrs.P told him that she doesn't know if the councle will approve his project as complete. he took this as her bulling him and complained to the scout master. during the next committee meeting the committee and the adult leadership was split on if this was too harsh or if she was justified. at our committee meetings the pastor for the church that sponsors our troop sits in to make shure everything is ok. because of mixed signals and the comments by the parents of the scout in question. the pastor used information about Mrs.P that he thought was valid but in actuality was false to come to the decision to give the troop the option of kicking Mrs.P out of the troop or the church would not sponsor us. the adults of the troop had there hands tied by the pastor and the actions of that committee meeting resulted in the expulsion of Mrs.P from the troop. She within the past year has joined a different scout troop that her nefu is in and created a venture patroll in the sane town as my troop is in. 

    My problem is that Mrs.P is a family friend that has extensive experience in mentoring eagles as demonstrated by her ten mentor pins and has a deep love for scouting as seen by her 20+ years in scouting and her own son being an aged out eagle. I told my troops new eagle coordinator that i want Mrs.P as my eagle mentor, somehow this information got to the pastor and i received an email from our sponsor the pastor that I am not allowed to use her as a mentor. i am planing on having a meeting with the pastor to try to work out some agreement. I just want the opinion of others that have been in this business for longer than I have been alive on what I should do.

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