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Everything posted by BSA_Ldr

  1. I have had SM/CC training; have taught several council/district classes; give civic training on leadership & team building; and will be doing WB later this year. I started a pack, which is now the largest in my community. I have 25 years in the Army. I started as a private, digging ditches; and I just got back from Iraq commanding 200 men in combat. Education is never ending.. but I believe I more than meet the minimum education levels. As to extreme boy lead --- My issue is that this SPL has been told he is in charge complete charge. He has become disrespectful to adults, and abusive
  2. I live in a small community with two active troops. I have one boy scout, and one web-2. I am the ASM, and have been in scouting for many years. I am very disatisfied with either of the existing troops. One is completely SM/CC run, with no input from anyone else; the other troop is so boy run, that I witnessed an SPL tell their ASM to "sit down and shut up", in his meeting. I do not believe either extream is acceptable. I am working to better the troops, and to deliver on the promise of scouting to our boys. I am working with my unit commissioner and round-table staff on ideas to improve these
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